Monday, December 17, 2012

Josh Brent on the Sidelines-- Deal or No Deal!

C'Mon MAN! That's the New Battle Cry for sports fans-- thank you ESPN!

Josh Brent-- a couple of weeks ago, was involved in a horrible traffic accident in Irving, Texas that caused his car to roll over and his passenger-- a teammate, and a close, dear friend Jerry Brown-- died that night!
On Sunday afternoon at Cowboys Stadium, Josh Brent was on the Cowboys Sideline, wearing a Cowboys Hoodie and Cowboys ball cap, along with the jersey (#53) of Brown draped on his shoulder during a moment of silence and the opening ceremonies to the game.

Fans-- television analyst, and writers have said that this was the WRONG message being sent to fans and young fans at that!


Alright-- background time! Ms. Brown-- Jerry's mom, informed anyone within ear shot of her comments (including the media) that she forgave Josh for what happened-- and that she loved him as if Brent was her own son! That takes a lot of strength to say those words-- and more so-- she is grieving as much as Brent is about the loss of his friend!

HOWEVER! The Dallas Cowboys football club is a business, no different than IBM, or Pepsico Foods International and so on! With in the confines of that business structure there are people in place that will help those who have gone through a major tragedy or other catastrophe in their lives.

I don't remember a place of business (unless they are shallow or have policies in place that state that an indiscretion would cause termination) The NFL doesn't have a policy of that! Mr. Brent is not going to be fired from his position until after a trial is had, and the evidence is presented. WE all know that he was legally drunk, the blood alcohol level proved that, but he made his bond, the Cowboys opened up their facility to him for treatment, they have kept him on the team, he has not been removed from the payroll, and until that day comes, he is a part of the organization!

IF we are going to talk about how Brent shouldn't have been allowed on the sidelines of the game, then we need to re-evaluate situations! Michael Vick has a conviction and prison term against him-- yet he is allowed to come back to the league and play for NFL money, PacMan Jones, has been arrested numerous times for all sorts of charges, assault, carrying a weapon in places you're not suppose to, and yet he is on an NFL team, Plaxico Burress, not only went into a place where weapons are forbidden, but he let loose one round-- albeit it went into this leg-- yet when he was done with his jail time-- he was permitted back on a team.

So Brent had an accident, that was caused by him drinking, and yet we find it more forgiving AFTER someone has been arrested and charged, and sentenced, then it is when a person who is hurting, and mourning, and needs his "family".. his team around him more than anything else!

This is not about "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" B.S.! This is about someone who has the support of a business that is looking out for his best interest and as Jason Garrett and Jerry Jones both have said, Josh Brent is a part of the Dallas Cowboys Football Team, and they will look after him the best that they can, and offer him any and all help to keep him focused and hopefully not see him turn into depression, which could lead to other problems.

Give Mr. Brent the benefit of the doubt! HE is hurting, this is no different than any one of us who made a major mistake and has to live with it! The consequences that they will deal with, will be on their terms and they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives!

Being on the sidelines showed solidarity of the Team to a Teammate! Unless you wear a helmet, shoulder pads, and jersey, and step out onto that field and play between the lines-- we have no idea what they are thinking, and we have no idea why they think it! But whatever the reason is, they think it is right, and therefore we should do our best to accept those reasons!

Just a thought!

Friday, December 14, 2012

What the Hell is Going ON?

Well thats the 64 million dollar question on everyone's lips today isn't it?

I mean-- in the last 72 hours, we have had two gunman open fire on innocent people for no reason whatsoever, and the results are families grieving for the lost of their loved ones.

It didn't happen in our back yard, it didn't happen to me, it didn't touch me-- really? it didn't? EVERY time someone takes a number of lives, be it in Columbine, Colorado, or at Virginia Tech University, or Austin, Texas (1966 Texas Tower Shooting) or today in Newtown, Connecticut, we are touched!

A Luby's restaurant, a man walks in and opens fire in central Texas, or at Fort Hood a couple of years ago, a Army Major, opens fire and killing innocent people. Mass Murders in a single day, we know about the shooting at a Movie theater not too long ago, and yet the same argument is being spewed over and over again, about gun control.

This is not the time to make this a political argument! This is not the time to make a statement about who should or should not carry a gun! THIS IS A TIME TO MOURN and GRIEVE!
There were five year olds shot and killed today, there were adults that lost their lives, because they were in that school building, as they should, to teach our young and make them into promising adults in the their future!

THEIR FUTURE!-- it was snuffed out by a bullet, and by a man, who, for whatever reason, decided that it was the best thing for him to do is go and shoot up children, and end their lives, and their hopes and destroy their families! SOMEONE DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!

All they could think about, was destruction, and the end results is this! There are dead bodies now that have to be identified and claim by loved ones, then there are memorials and funerals to plan, and there is the Christmas tree with the unopened presents under it, or the last few nights of Hanukah, where candles will be lit but no one there to enjoy the light flickering into the night!

Innocence is lost, shattered, and hopes and dreams dashed. All because someone was angry, snapped, and thought that this was the only way out!

IF you are that angry, and you are that hurtful, and you wish to end your life, then be selfish and just do it to yourself! I do not condone suicide, believe me, I have walked that thin line! But it is a selfish act, to do that, but why take others lives with you! Why is it necessary to bring someone else into your little chaotic world! LEAVE THEM ALONE! they did nothing to put you in that state, they did nothing to harm you, and yet you have decided to choose them to die at your hand because you're pissed off, and depressed and think that this is the only way out!

May G-d have mercy on your soul, and may he embraced those angles coming to him in the form of innocent children, and may they find their wings to protect those of us still here and mourn their lives, and pray for the peace that their families need, and keep them safe- Their Christmas wreath will turn to black instead of green this time of year, but it is with the spirit of the season that we hope that joy and smiles will once again return to the faces of those left behind, including the children that were saved, and hopes that they will not live this nightmare again!

Let us all hope and wish for PEACE ON EARTH and GOODWILL TO ALL!

Just a thought

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tragedy Strikes Close to Home!

In the early morning hours of Saturday, December 8th, 2012, a bad decision was made by a 24 year old man, who got behind the wheel of a car after being at a party near downtown Dallas, and drove while he had too much to drink.

He put not only his own life in danger but he also placed the life of his passenger in danger. Not too mention the other lives that are on the road, that had no idea that he had been drinking.

Now I can end this story here—you can insert any name of any person you know that has done this before. Lord knows we have known someone who was either involved in an accident or maybe lost a loved one to a drunk driver, in our lifetime.

However, this story involves a HIGH Profile person, someone who is a professional athlete, someone who thinks at times, that they are entitled, the ones that when they get pulled over, or after they have been in an accident, usually the first thing out of their mouth is usually “Don’t you know who I am?”… like that’s going to make this situation any better or go away!

Here’s the awful truth. A person made a bad choice, and in the end… and tore two families apart!

Josh Brent a Dallas Cowboy player, was driving late at night, on a piece of road way that is usually pretty dangerous even in day light—and one can only imagine what its like when there is very little light on the road way, and then the next thing you know—the car he is driving, loses control, and flips onto its roof and the passenger, his friend from College is tossed around like a rag doll inside the car, and is declared dead shortly after he arrives at the hospital.

It brings back memories of Dewayne Goodrich, that was drunk, and was driving along a Dallas highway—came upon a car with their flashers on—and smashed into that disabled car, killing the good Samaritan on the side of the road—Goodrich was convicted and served 8 years in jail, another incident involved Eric Williams when he took the curve a little too fast along LBJ Freeway in North Dallas at the North Dallas Tollway—and smashed into the retaining wall, and lets not forget, that Former Dallas Cowboy Wide receiver Drew Pearson had an accident as well—along LBJ Freeway in East Dallas where he was returning from a charity basketball game—and was driving his younger brother Carey Mark Pearson also known as Moose, struck the back end of a tractor trailer, and Carey was killed, and Drew lost his football career because of injuries. His blood alcohol level was just slightly above the average, he believes he nodded off and that was all it took.

All it takes is a split second of decision, that is the wrong one, and your life or the lives around are destroyed or changed forever!

Josh Brent will have to live with the choice for the rest of his life, that the life that was taken away was that of his best friend, and a person he considered to be his little brother! The grief that he will feel, and the steps that he will have to take, will be long and they will be painful!

The other people that are affected are those who are in that locker room at Valley Ranch, and those players and staff members will have to find their own way of dealing with this tragedy.

For the second time in one week time span, the NFL has been struck with deaths. However, this time, we will have to deal with the fact that one was selfish, and the other was just plain stupid! Either way—those left behind will have to find with in themselves to find answers and peace!

Just a Thought!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tragedy in Kansas City!

There are those who are saying that the NFL is handling this all wrong, that after Jevon Belcher shot his girlfriend and then drove to Arrowhead Stadium-- spoke with both the Head Coach and the General Manager of the football team, turned stepped away for about three feet-- then held the gun to his own head and fired!

We all know that is a permanent solution to a temporary problem-- shooting and killing someone then yourself! Something could have been done, one would think, to have stayed this sort of behavior off... but alas... two people are dead, two families are destroyed, a three month child is now an orphan-- and the entire Kansas City Chief Football team is devastated! And YET! The NFL as well as the Chiefs, said that they would play on Sunday afternoon against the Carolina Panthers at 12noon CST.

I am having a hard time with this one! I can't imagine a family, and lets face it, that's what a team is, they are family, they live and work together more than they sometimes spend with their own real families, and with that in mind, you have to think that these men are not mentally ready to step out on the gridiron and take on an opponent and give it their 100%. Their thoughts are going to be with their "Brother" who took his own life on the very stadium parking lot, that they will go and do battle in with a foe that is being told to travel and be ready to play this hurting team.

Back in 1963, Pete Rozelle the Commissioner of the NFL, on the Sunday after President Kennedy was shot, and in fact the very day that Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby in the Police Department basement, held games, and the country was in mourning! Not a good idea, and not well received by a lot of fans!

In fact-- the Dallas Cowboys were traveling to Cleveland to take on the Browns that day, and the Browns Public Address Announcer, was informed that he was to only refer to the Dallas team as the COWBOYS, and not Dallas.

Rozelle would later say, that it was one of his biggest regrets, and that hindsight, she should have postponed those games for a later time!

The Kansas City Chiefs should had done the same thing, and get ready for this game on another night-- Monday, or Thursday, enough time to put the images away-- and mourn the lost of their teammate!
On this occasion, I say that the NFL overstepped its boundaries, and allowed the DOLLAR to control the actions of a team, and a city that is hurting!

Just a thought! 

Friday, November 30, 2012

49 Years Later- And the Memories Are Still Fresh!

Yes—49 years ago, on November 22nd, we marked the anniversary of the death of the President of the United States. John F. Kennedy, was shot and killed on the streets of Dallas, Texas at 12:30PM, while driving in a motorcade!

Yeah, we know the history, we know the story, we know the tales, and we know the truths, the half truths and the out and out lies.

We know that there are conspiracies, we know there are those who believe the complete 27 volumes of the Warren Commission, we know that there are those who will tell you WHO were involved, and who they think were involved, and there are even a few who think that little spacemen from another planet had something to do with it! (REALLY?)

For some, the hallowed grounds in Dealey Plaza, represent the moment when innocents were lost, and that even though the country suffered a great depression, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the loss of a great President, in Franklin D. Roosevelt, the death of John F. Kennedy seemed to be something that not only the young held onto, but also those who were counting on a turning point of our country.

Kennedy, in 1961 during his inauguration address, stated: “Ask NOT what your country can do for YOU, ask, WHAT you can do for your country”… here we are 51 years later, and the statement has lost some of its meaning.

Look at those who think that the government should help THEM, and not help themselves! IF Kennedy was alive today, and running for office, his views would be considered to be more conservative than liberal. Would he be on the Republican side of the isle or would he still be a Democrat? And would he be able to get his ideas across. Like Civil Rights, or even the space program.

Forward thinking in the 60’s like sending a man to the moon, or maybe ending the conflict in Southeast Asia, or maybe ending the Cold War.

Were these the reasons WHY he was murdered?

See that’s the real question… WHY? Its not so much the WHO, but the why he was killed.

A lone gunman, that’s a possibility, never truly proven other than the Warren Commission, but the House Senate Committee on Assassinations in1978, they concluded that a 95% possibility that there was indeed a second gunman involved, and that, by definition is a conspiracy, however the CIA and the FBI both stated that the Warren Commission is still the only true answer to the case, and in 1983, the federal government closed the case completely and the case of a murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy came to a close!

75 years after the Warren Commission was concluded, the entire archive will open to the public. That is a multiple generational time line! Most of those who were alive, will have died off, and those who are old enough to know about the case, will have either not cared, or forgotten about it.

Did Oliver Stone’s movie in 1991, do anything to make you ask questions, or did it leave you thinking that it was nothing more than one big propaganda for Stone and Hollywood?

Truth is, that this is more about what the Government KNEW, and why certain things happened the way they did during the moment that Kennedy was shot.

The entire Cabinet was on a flight, and out of the country along with Press Secretary Perrier Salinger, there was a total mobilization of Armed Forces in the event of rioting in the streets, there was a total phone outage in Washington D.C. for over 30 minutes. Is this ALL a coincidence? I don’t think so… I don’t think that someone can make that happen by accident, and pull it off!

We have to keep asking the questions, and we have to continue to question those who were there before us, and continue to ask so the truth comes out!

That’s all the American public deserves—don’t leave it up to those who think its best for the people to know what is the truth, and what we should not be privy to because we can’t handle the truth!

WE are not an innocent society, we are a society that can comprehend and understand the truth, and our children, grandchildren and generations that follow, should be aware of what either our government knows or at least those who were in charge at the time 49 years ago!

And one final note, it took them 49 years, but finally the City of Dallas and the State of Texas had a historical marker placed on the corner of 10th Street and Patton in Oak Cliff, to mark the spot where Officer J.D. Tippitt died, when alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, opened fire and killed him near his squad car. Three Murders in less than 48 hours.

A few years later—in 1968, we lost Martin Luther King in Memphis, and in June of that same year we lost Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles. Somewhere we have to connect the dots and get the answers!

Just a thought!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday Traditions!

Every year, we gather at a table and we have a full meal, and it has always interest me in recent times, that this is the ONLY day in the year, outside of maybe Christmas and Passover (for my Jewish friends) that we gather in one place to eat a meal!

I mean, when I was growing up, it was nothing for the family to sit at the dinner table after mom and dad got home from work, and we ate at a specific time, or close to it, and talked about the days events and how school was, or what was going on in the world.

TODAY! OH MY LORD! WE are lucky if we have a moment to see each other coming and going, between work, and school, and soccer, and band, and dance, and football, and drill team, and cheerleader, and so on and so on and so on!

NOW we know why there is a fast food restaurant on every corner of the city, and then some!

GOODNESS, step back and take a breath!

Traditions, have been bent, broken, shattered, and destroyed over the last few generations.
I will bet that there are few families that will gather in front of their televisions to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade from New York, with bands, floats, and balloons... less will be interested in what is going on in their own home towns where there were once parades that had a Thanksgiving theme or at least the beginning of the Christmas season!

I remember getting up early on Thanksgiving mornings, and with my dad, sit in front of the television to watch the parade- (of course my father originally was from New York) so there was a touch of home for him, but this was in the 1960's, and we would then help mom with cooking the Turkey and the rest of the meal, and set the table and have friends and family over or we would go to other's houses to for the meal... hell there was even times when we would go to the Cotton Bowl to watch the Dallas Cowboys play on Thanksgiving! (Beating the dreaded Packers that particular year 16-13)

Now Thanksgiving is centered around-- what time the games are, and who is playing when, and if there is a college game later in the day, and can we be at so-n-so's house before kickoff , or by at least half time.
Lets not forget that  we also have the dreaded-- what time are you going to be at the SUPER STORE for their opening to start the Christmas shopping on  Black Friday (and believe me, working Black Friday is no peach of a deal either)... WHAT EVER HAPPENED to going shopping on the weekend, not on ONE day and spreading it out til the end of the shopping season?

Well it went away with a generation built on instant gratification! EVERYTHING has to be done RIGHT NOW, without delay, without haste, and by-gum if you get in my way-- I will run you over with my shopping cart, and I don't care if you are bleeding to death-- I need to get to that last SNUGGY BEFORE YOU DO!  Whew! Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all men-- Yeah right!

Thanksgiving! A time to relax, and enjoy the company of our family and friends, and to be with those who matter most in our lives. Sometimes, its nothing more than a gesture to say THANK YOU to someone who was kind enough to invite you over for the meal, and to be a part of their family, when yours is either too far away-- or worse-- right around the corner but you don't talk to them for whatever reason!
Whichever traditions you have, or have had, or will start with your own family, may you enjoy the season, and have a wonderful time stuffing your belly's till they are over lapping your belts! Sleep until Kickoff.. and hoping your team wins!

And as far as shopping is concerned! Best deals are usually AFTER The holidays are over-- usually that is! Don't get suckered into the "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE DEALS" they usually are!

Best to you this holiday season-- and may the spirit of the holidays be with you throughout the year!

Just a thought!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Future of the Game of Golf!

In Baseball they have minor league—in hockey they have the Juniors and Minor Hockey—in Football they basically have the SEC (just kidding) and in Golf they have the Tour Championship at Craig Ranch in McKinney, Texas.

This used to be called the Nationwide Tour, but Web.Com took it over shortly after August the announcement of the field that was going to participate in this tournament.

Its late October, in North Texas, the weather could be anything from warm and sunny to cool and bright—to the most awful of storms.

The Golf Gods are smiling on the tournament—great weather so far- just a bit cool, and the winds have died down from earlier in the tournament.

Names that you need to keep an eye on for the future of Golf, this are the guys that will be chasing people like Vijay Sihng, and Tiger Woods, along with Phil Mickelson.

This tour has gone through their growing pains over the years, starting out as the Ben Hogan Tour, to the Nike Tour, Buy.Com tour, then Nationwide Insurance took the naming rights—and then in took the naming rights earlier this summer and will be the title sponsor for the next 10 years.

In North Texas, where golf is pretty prevalent, having high school stars and in some cases College athletes go on and become stars on the big PGA Stage. Such as the Late Payne Stuart, or Case Knolt (both out of SMU), what about Scott Verplank, growing up in North Dallas, being a volunteer at the Byron Nelson Golf Championship when he was younger—and then headed off to Oklahoma State winning on the NCAA stage and then on the PGA Tour, including winning the Nelson in 2007 nine months after Lord Byron passed away!

This “under” tour, is a great showcase for the younger players to make their Tour Card, without having to go through the grind of the “Q” Schools! Though they are still around, this tour provides a way for the players to earn money, and the top 25 who finish in the money get their tour cards.

The course in McKinney works to the advantage of the long hitter, it’s a long course, not so much a shot makers course, such as Colonial is in Fort Worth, but more like the TPC course in Las Colinas, but don’t take that one lightly or this one for that fact. Craig Ranch TPC is a tough par 71 course, and when the wind does howl down from the north or in the summer months from the south—it changes how you chose your clubs and what type of shot you have to make, to get the score!

Long hitters are great—but if you play the game of golf, the old adage of, HIT FOR SHOW, PUTT FOR DOUGH!

These young men out on the course today are finding out just what it means to make the short game work for you. 250 to 300 yard drives look great on TV but that is not what is going to win tournaments. You have to put the ball into that little round hole on the shortest of grass on the course! Yes that’s obvious but it is still the name of the game!

The other thing about golfers that some might have noticed, they are the nicest guys out there in the sports industry! They take the time to talk with reporters, as well as fans, they don’t mind signing the autographs, they don’t mind chit chatting with youngsters standing in the gallery, they have fun, they have a smile on their faces, and they enjoy the life of the tour!

Refreshing at best to see someone who has the opportunity to make a pretty good living, and not really have to flaunt it!

Oh yeah well there is still Tiger Woods, who make a pretty good living and at times has been surly, but after a bit, I would probably be the same way as well.

However, golfers are still better dressers, and they have a better attitude when they are in public!
The tour will be here in North Texas, and with the help of the Salsemanship Club of Dallas, this tournament will be able to funnel more players into the fold of the new generation of golfers and maybe another superstar will emerge and bring the game another bright star!

Just a thought!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Its Called-- a Collapse!

Yep -- that's what they call it! A colossal collapse!

The Texas Rangers, most likely pulled off the biggest failure since last years Red Sox, or maybe even Greg Norman's Masters el-foldo back in '95!

No matter, what happened the last several weeks of the Texas Rangers 2012 campaign, will go into the history books, as a study in futility from players, who for the most part led 178 days in their division!

Twice to the World Series, (twice losing) and twice the Defending American League Champions, and as of today-- they are at home watching the rest of the playoffs with other teams, including the Atlanta Braves, who were also eliminated from the playoffs by the Defending World Champions, St. Louis Cardinals.

We could sit here and dissect each player and, break down where the trouble laid, or we can look at the final game of the season against Oakland and point a finger at a certain center fielder, but no matter what the demise was, it all boils down to, the Rangers hit a slump that came at the absolute worse time in a teams drive for the post season.

Players go through slumps, and teams go through slumps, but the truth is, no one should point a finger at the manager! Ron Washington has led this team for seven years, and for the last three, he got the Rangers into the post season and twice he took them to the dance and gave them a chance to win!
Last time I remembered... Washington was not on the mound throwing pitches, he was not out there running in the outfield or fielding in the infield, he didn't run the bases and he didn't swing a bat-- thats why he has 25 other guys out there doing that, and getting paid to do it well!

So where does this team go from here? Hmmm good question. Do the Rangers make a solid offer to Josh Hamilton, even though he was booed quite loudly at the game against Baltimore for the last spot in the Wild Card Play In Game...  its hard to think that just because he went 0-4 on that night that the crowd would turn on him.

Frustrated! YES! I can see that, but to boo the guy in his stadium, and loudly too! It was just two years ago, that Hamilton missed a good portion of the season, only to return for the post season play and be a integral part of their getting to the Series against the San Francisco Giants... then just a year ago, not only injured, but had to deal with the death of a fan that he tossed a ball to up in the stands-- he came back and led the team along with Beltre and Cruz to the promise land once again, only to lose in game six and finally in game seven in St. Louis! Yes heart breaking, but for 40 years, this team only tasted the playoffs three times prior to Ron Washington getting here, and they were 1 for 9 in those games against the Yankees. 2010 came along-- and those dreaded Yankees came tumbling down to Neftali Feliz and a fast ball to get strike three on Alex Rodriguez to end the game, get the Monkey off the back and send the Rangers to the World Series for the first time in franchise history!

So now, with all the "nay" sayers out there, that want Hamilton gone, or Washington gone, or Michael Young gone... really? thats your answer!

These Texas Rangers are fine-- there will be some fine tuning, and I am sure that there will be some changes, and yes a real possibility that Hamilton might leave, and that new faces will arrive, and we will have another chance at the West, and the playoffs, oh and lets not forget, we now get the Houston Astros in our division, and there are at least a third of our games to be seen in the central time zone! Now thats worth getting excited about! That, and the fact that, unless the Astros do a major overhaul, the Rangers might just get 12 more wins added to their totals after they faced their I-45 foe! (No offense to my friends in Houston but lets face it, you lost 100 games this year!)

Another season is over, and the fall winds are blowing in, and the attention of the Metroplex will now turn solid to the Dallas Cowboys, and their problems!

Speaking of the Cowboys! I just wanted to add this thought!

Cowboys Stadium! I have covered games in that building, mainly though high school and college games, not so much a Cowboys game, though I can imagine what that is like anyway!

But after watching the Cowboys play recently on a Monday Night against the Chicago Bears, I am concerned that this stadium doesn't lend itself to being what Jerry Jones thought it would be when he built it.
Its a shrine, its a temple, its a cathedral! All in one! And people inside that building act like it. There is no noise other than the canned music that the entertainment provides, and thats used primarily to wake the fans up from their slumber because the product on the field ain't worth watching!

Jerry! Get rid of the Dancing girls in the end zone-- your dancers are called Cowboy Cheerleaders-- why bring in competition for those ladies, get rid of the Cars and Trucks in the end zones as well-- this is not the Auto Building at Fair Park nor is this the State Fair Of Texas! Get rid of the fountains, and if you wish to hang art in the building then build an art gallery not a FOOTBALL STADIUM! There is NO HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE INSIDE THIS BUILDING!

Corporate America, does not care about the guys on the field, the FANS DO, yet they can't afford the tickets, parking or concessions! The guys with the Black American Express Cards can, and they might buy the tickets-- but they aren't your fans!

And another thing-- instead of spending all that money on the "entertainment" experience for the fans-- why don't you pay more attention to the product between the hash marks and that might bring the noise level up a few notches!

Just a thought!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It Was Late Getting Here But its HERE NOW!

It was a year ago, that the Coppell Copperheads swept Brazos Valley in the best of three championship down near College Station, Texas.

Ok! What does all that mean?

The Coppell Copperheads were one of the 8 original teams in the Texas Collegiate League, that began in 2004.

Our little company, known as Davradio Productions, put on the internet the first broadcast of those games, when we sided up with the Highland Park Blue Sox, and produced those games for the entire 2004 season, then we took on two other teams in the summer of 05, including the Copperheads and the Weatherford Wranglers. 

Well since those meager beginnings, we kept the Blue Sox, even after they moved to Plano, and then after they ceased operation, we connected with the Continental Baseball League for two seasons, then out of baseball all together for one summer! 

Then, last May, the General Manager of the Copperheads, Kyliegh Calendar, was contacted, and asked if they wished to be broadcast this year, and with a resounding YES, we were back in the biz!

The Copperheads were taken over by a group who were associated with the Select Baseball Team known as the Dallas Tigers, and though they were called Copperheads, their uniforms looked more like the Tigers. Despite all of that, they pulled together as a unit and took the Championship from Brazos Valley, and it was their fourth such championship in the 7 years that the league was around.

When Coach Haynie informed us that championship rings were available to both J.R. Schumann and myself, since we broadcast the games, it didn't take long for us to put in our orders. All the players and coaches and the staff were offered rings, and the majority of them have them! They are impressive!

On September 6th, 2012, it arrived, and though it was a year late, we are very proud of our work and our association with the TCL, and with all those who were involved, from Paul Rogers and Christi Baker, to John Blake (V.P. Communications of the Texas Rangers) and the rest of the TCL owners and staff, from every team that was there from the very outset. Along with the Copperheads and the Blue Sox, the Marshals out of McKinney, Mineral Wells Steam, The Graham Roughnecks, Grandbury Generals, Colleyville Lone Stars, and the Weatherford Wranglers.

Our thanks, and appreciation, for allowing us to be a part of something special, as well as not only giving young athletes a chance to hone their skills to the next level but also our own mentoring of prospects that wanted to elevate their skills for being broadcasters. One of ours went on to work for the Chicago Cubs organization, then moved to the Phillies only in the last few years.

Its all about learning, and at times that is more rewarding than the trophies.

Just a thought!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saying Good Bye To Steve Sabol

On March 20th 2011, I wrote that I had read that Steve Sabol had cancer-- Brain Cancer-- and today, Tuesday September 18th, 2012, 18 months later, he died from that disease!

Steve Sabol along with his father Ed, created Blair Motion Pictures, that was his sister's name, and from those meager beginnings became the NFL FILMS as we know it!

Just a few cameramen and a new way of looking at the game of professional football, was brought to life on our TV screens in the 1960's through today.

The Super Bowl, America's Game... is because of NFL Films and the Sabol's. They created stories and they moved our emotions to different heights, that became clearer as that spiraling football came ever closer to the hands of the receiver and he ran down the field. Or the crushing blow that the linebacker gave the quarterback, as he sat in the "pocket". All brought to us because of the vision one man had, and the love of the game that his son showed through the lens of a camera.

Steve Sabol, in August of 2011, gave the induction speech for his dad, as Ed Sabol was inducted into the Pro Football hall of Fame. I am certain that there is another seat waiting Steve, and it will be fitting to have both Father and Son in the Hall for their contributions to the game of football!

Rest in Peace Steve-- Oseh Shalom!

Just a thought

Monday, August 20, 2012


The year was 2006, and I had just returned to Dallas from a trip out west to bring my wife back home after she took a leave and went out to Los Angles to work for Kaiser as a sales rep. Thinking that it was going to improve our life, and make us more money!

In doing so, she left me here in Dallas, with her two children, (my step children) and to become a parent that was a tall order.

Some time, around January of 2006, I started to tail spin, meaning I felt the beginnings of depression, and in my case, I have been there before.

In 2000, I had a horrible bout of it when I was in Lufkin, Texas, and before that I was a teenager, and the bullying in school and such.

Somehow I survived those bouts, with some "mental" toughness of my own. Or at least I thought so!

So here we are in 2006, coming back from the West Coast, and getting my "wife" settled back home, and then all of a sudden, a day or so after coming back, I tried to commit suicide. Yep you saw the word, in plain black and white. I wanted to step off this world and make a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

There are so many reasons that I wanted to end my life. There was a year of depression that set in, and in doing so, this was not a snap decision to make. My work, my marriage, my surroundings, my finances, my health, everything was tail spinning around me.  It was like a Rubic's Cube that all the colors came up the same, and that's suppose to mean you one the game, but in my case, it meant that I could not juggle my life anymore, and it was crashing around my ears.

So after being admitted to the Mental Ward of a hospital for four days (thats what the law allows) I was sent home, only I had no home.

Somewhere along the line, my "wife" decided that it was time to file for divorce... so much for that "better and for worse" line in vows right?... So she packed her stuff up and moved in with her mom, I just packed up and moved.

Here we are six years later, I am a bit better-- I had a heart attack in 2008, and for a person who tried to end his life, I tried to save it on that night in January of '08... so there's an oxymoron for you!

This is Mental Health Awareness Week.  What does that mean?

It means that we must be aware of our friends and family members that might suffer from depression or have suicidal tendencies, or those who suffer from anxiety attacks. This is not something that goes away if you take medicine, this is an ongoing fight every day of our lives. We win the day to day battles, but the war rages all around us.

Look for signs of depression in those that you care about. You probably know them by now-- the one strong sign though is, when they start giving away things of value to them to others. Jewelry, mementos, heirlooms, and such. These are tell tale signs that there might be something going on inside their head, and you have to get to the bottom of it.

Every moment is precious, and a person who suffers from depression no longer appreciates the moment, all they know is that they want to end the pain, and the hurt deep inside their soul. They are aware of the people that might be hurt by it, but by the same token they believe that it is the best thing for them and others in their lives, if they were no longer around, no longer a burden to them and to others, and that the world would be a better place without them. That their life has very little purpose or meaning to others, and that they understand that in the morning, the sun will come up and it will set, whether they are here or not.
Life goes on with us or without us, thats a fact, but it sure does make it a lot less of a place to be in when someone leaves us like that.

I for one, wake up each day and am thankful for the day, but then again-- I fight the demons off every day as well!

If you suffer from depression or any other mental illness, seek help, and surround yourself with good friends and family, they are the best medicine for you!


Just a thought!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good Bye My Trusted Companion and Friend!

There have been a few times, over the last year or so that I have sat here and typed an obituary, or some sort of honor to a fallen friend, or someone I admired.

However, this is a little more difficult. This is about, not just a friend, but a companion, and who is not human.  In fact, it was a canine.

My friend, my companion of 13 years, was a Siberian Husky.  Her name was Sasha, and for some of you, you’re aware of the closeness that this dog and myself, had for the last 13 years.

I found Sasha, in the spring of 2000, where she was at a pet adoption in front of a pet store in North Dallas.  She was in a crate, and all I saw through the bars were blue eyes, and a white face that was framed in black! The perfect “opera mask” as they call it on Huskies. She was beautiful! However, the name they gave her was “Sugar Bell”..,. to which, when called by that name, she would not respond… I whispered “Sasha” in her ear, and she sprang into my face and licked me like we were long lost friends.

Now the humor behind this, is that, I had put to rest another animal six month prior to this, and I had promised the woman I was dating and her children, that, when the time came I would purchase another dog and return to Dallas from deep East Texas (Lufkin). Well it took another year and half before that happened, but Sasha and I began our journey together. From the Deep East Texas area, to bringing her to Dallas, and through a marriage, and then a move from one house to another, to a mental break down that I had in 06, to moving again, to another home, to a divorce, a heart  attack in 08, to my 50th, in 09 and now to losing her, because of an injury, that caused the both the Doctor and myself to choose to humanly to put her to sleep and let her suffer no futher!

The human in this story lost his friend, the one that knows all the secretes, the tears from fighting off the demons in his dreams, the hurt that they felt when they lost love, but Sasha was always there, by my side. Giving her unconditional love to me, day in and day out.

I am not the only person in the world to have put a pet to rest, however, for every time a person has to do that, it is always amazing to me, how many people come out and offer their condolences, and best wishes, and even for some to check up on me to make sure that I am ok!

I miss my friend.. I will miss her jumping on me to tell me that she missed me during the day or at night after a game, or to greet friends when they could come to the house! HER love, her sparkle in her eyes, and her kisses, those dog kisses will be missed!

I loved that big beautiful wolf! My 60lb fur coats with fangs! My Sasha!

Rest in peace my friend, my buddy—my puppy—my Sasha!

Mr. Magoo! You’ve Done It Again! NCAA!

What in the world is the NCAA thinking?

Penn State has been stripped of their victories dating back to 1998—they have now tarnished every STUDENT Athlete that put on the Nittany Lion Blue, and for what? Because the NCAA think that its best to penalize the entire program and not those who were or ARE involved!

They take away scholarships, they take away bowl appearances, they take away the wins, they take away Bowl victories, they take away the statue of the long standing coach—they take away all the things that we connect with Penn State!

BECAUSE LARRY SANDUSKY is a moron! Sandusky is a Pedophile! Not the kid who lined up on the gridiron against his opponent every week and played the game, he didn’t hold the children in the showers, he had nothing to do with the problem of ONE man—and one system that protected him.

The Administration, the Athletic Director, the Coach, the President of the University, they all should be thrown in jail, they all should be taken to the wood shed… and let the penalty be stiff!

BUT to make the kids that go to school, because of the education, and the tradition of what Penn State has been, and to throw all of that away, because of this one person’s psycho background these kids are going to suffer!

And for those others who have the rings from their bowl championships, or their trophies, that they won—they are now gone!

When SMU was given the death penalty—it sorta made a bit more sense, mainly because it was the program that was corrupt—THE PROGRAM—this is not the PROGRAM—this is one PERSON who is corrupted, and because of his mental problem of wanting to take showers with little boys—the entire program will suffer! NO! that’s not whats suppose to happen! NOT THE PROGRAM!

Attack the school! Go after those in charge, take those to task—but leave the kids alone!
No where in the NCAA BY-LAWS does it state, that the action of the administration should be taken out on the student athlete that had nothing to do with the crime! In short—when a recruiting violation takes place—the School must forfeit its scholarships and then have sanctions placed upon it, because the program as a whole failed. This is NOT the case—this is about a MAN who has a sickness, and illness, and it was with adolescents, who could not speak for themselves!

This will never be reversed, and for those athletes who played for, and are still at the school are now told what you did during your time there doesn’t matter! It was all for not! It just sickens the soul, and worse, it gives these former players and students a sense of LOSS that they can never get back! Your records mean nothing now!

SMU for the most part, hasn’t fully recovered from those days, and its been almost 25 years since that happened! How long is it going to take Penn State? No one knows!

Joe Paterno’s name has been removed as the coach with most wins in a career, his statue taken down, however the University says that his name will remain on the School Library…. Don’t know if that is a good consolation or not, but none the less, what does need to happen is for the School to police itself, and let the court system run its course.

The bottom line here is, the NCAA got this one wrong. The Penalty should not have taken ANYTHING away from the student athlete, it should have left the program in-tact, and let those involved been dealt with by the proper authorities.

Its just a thought! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Nelson!

Two words….. The NELSON! That’s all you have to say—and everyone in North Texas KNOWS exactly what it is that you are saying!

Short hand for one of the largest charity events in the country. The NELSON! Simple. Much like the man who its named after. A simple, soft spoken, Gentle Giant of a man. Byron Nelson!

The world lost “Lord” Byron in September of 2006… however, six years after his death, and we still have this great golf tournament in North Texas, and thousands come and visit the Four Seasons Resort in Las Colinas (Irving, Texas) to watch some of the world’s best players tackle this course.

The story lines are many for the 2012 tournament, you have one player who is a rookie, at the age of 40, making his first appearance at the Nelson, and you have another player who has had, NOT ONE, but TWO heart transplants, in his 32 years of life. AND HE IS ON THE TOUR!

There are other behind the scene stories, how this is Phil Mickelson’s return to the Nelson since he got word that his wife Amy was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2007.  Mickelson stated that he missed this course, and really loves playing it… but truthfully—I think he enjoys Six Flags and the Rangers Games more!

Keegan Bradley, last years champion, won his first tournament and was just worried about keeping his PGA Card, and after winning the tournament, was eligible for the Masters, truly a world wind tour for him!

Nancy Lopez, one of the greats from the LPGA, was honored before the start of the 2012 tournament, she was given the Byron Nelson Award, which is given to those who show philanthropy, as well as their past to the game of GOLF. T Boone Pickens Foundation helps with that award with a 100,000.00 cash award to the charity of the winner’s choice.

However it’s the golf that has the hold on the Las Colinas area, and it’s the championship that is named after one of the very best, 11 strait victories in a row, a man who won the Masters Twice, who was best friends with Ben Hogan, who walked away from the game but not the love of the game. Byron Nelson.

IF you every met him, he would leave upon you an image in your mind that is larger than life, and when he shook your hand, you felt the years of working on a ranch as well as swinging a golf club.

The Nelson! Two Words! Magnificent!

Just a thought!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watch What YOU Tweet! It Might Cost You!

Social Media, a term that has been in our vernacular for only the last few years, has caused a furor the last few weeks!

Actor Rob Lowe reports the retirement of Indiana Colts Quarterback Peyton Manning-(bogus), Mark Walberg, stated that if he had been on American Flight 11 that crashed into the World Trade Center, he would have done things differently-- he was taken to task by some of the families of those that were lost in that horrible day-- and now a teenager in New Jersey, who is considered to be a major recruit for College Football, has been expelled for his high school, and has lost some offers from schools including his beloved Michigan, because of what he tweeted on his account, that some say was sexually graphic and racially charged.

Yuri Wright, a 17 year old senior at an all boys preparatory school, made comments on his Twitter Account and it got to the point where the school had to take action, and in doing so, they chose to expel Wright from school.  He now has to find a new school to graduate from, and his football career at a Division I School might be completely in jeopardy. 

Social Media has its positives, but it can be a detractor as well. Future Employers look at your Facebook page, your Linked-In page, your Myspace, your Google Plus, a website, if you have one, you get the idea.

There are stories that have been released over the last few years of people losing their jobs because of their Facebook "Status" updates, or photos, there was one professional sport cheerleader that lost her job because of photos that were posted on her Facebook page, there was a Police officer (female) that also lost her job because of the same issue of posting photos that were deemed "inappropriate", and not representing the department.

We have to be so careful these days with what we say, how we say it and more so, where we say it!

How many of us have discovered old friends, classmates, family members, because of social media outlets? Countless-- and continuing the old adage that the World Is Getting Smaller.

When you consider, a 17 year old's lack of common sense, has now seen what was a future, could be a bit troubling.

So what are we to do, how do we keep ourselves safe from ourselves? Self control, well that's a start, but the truth is, our involvement in using those outlets to communicate with others, and say things that might be considered risque, or inappropriate, can come back and bite you, remember even if you think you are talking to just YOUR friends, others might be able to see it... and this could include YOUR future with jobs or schools!

Just a thought!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Ah yes, it has happened—a once “BIG” Named athlete has chosen a path that HE hopes will propel him back to the Big Stage, known as the NFL!

Terrell Owens, who once played for various teams in the NFL, including the San Francisco 49ers, The Philadelphia Eagles, the Dallas Cowboys, the New England Patriots and the Cincinnati Bengals, now the Pro Bowl wide receiver will bring his talents to the Indoor Football League, and the Allen Wranglers!

This has made national news, and has been highlighted on ESPN.

T.O. will showcase himself in a league that is not the ARENA LEAGUE, which used to have teams in Dallas, in fact there were a few, the Dallas Texans, the Dallas Desperados, and the Dallas Vigilantes , the Wranglers started a year ago, and won their season, but the fact is that this is a team that has had two owners, one left half way through the season—the other took it over and, obviously has deep pockets.

But what does T.O. bring to the table other than his name? Grant you he will put buts in the seats, that’s not an issue… the ability to bring his game to the smaller field is something different.

Its not that difficult, in this league, you’re playing only on 50 yards, the routes are shorter, the hitting is just as bad, and lets not forget, that T.O. just came off ACL surgery last season.

Terrell tried to get on with any NFL team that would have him, but that didn’t seem to work out, no one hired him, and there were a lot of teams that could have used a veteran wide-out in the league last season with injuries and such. However, with this game, this type of game that is, how will he hold up?

Now the story is , that he will play only HOME dates, and that his partnership is a cash influx into the team. The arena that they play in, the Allen Event Center has a low ceiling, and that end zones don’t have the traditional nets that we are used to seeing in the AFL (Arena League), so in part, this game does have some challenges to it.

The PLUSES! ALLEN WILL PROFIT from this move, that will have people coming to the games, and buying the merchandise and that in turn will have people milling around the shopping center that the arena is in, and that means that the shops and restaurants will benefit from it as well.

I’m just going to have to wait and see how this all works out for the Wranglers and for the fans—Will they keep coming back to see the team play, last year, if this is an indication, they didn’t sell the place out, they couldn’t even fill half the arena for their games.  With a capacity of 6000, they might have had less than a 1000 per game.  That’s not that great!

Once again, you put a premier name on the field like Owens, and that might all change, we will have to wait and see.

For the most part, its still a game of touchdowns and first downs, and we will see how the Wranglers product on the field will shake out once he comes on board….. Just wondering if Owens, being a part owner will also want to be the coach too…. Just thinking out loud there!

Well then again—ITS JUST A THOUGHT!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The National Championship!

Let me introduce you all to the biggest sham that has ever been presented in the history of the NCAA!

THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!  B C S  STYLE! Well we all know that there is one too many letters—really!

I have been watching College Football for as long as I can remember—the National Champion in Football was usually decided before the end of the year, and on New Years Day, we had four major bowls played in one day!

I miss the day when the Cotton Bowl started the New Year off with not only their parade but the game—then the Rose Bowl played… then the Orange Bowl took Center Stage—the Sugar Bowl was played on New Years Eve… we remember those days!

Now we have all these bowls strung out starting on the second weekend of December and played on almost every night of the week, then the you string out the bigger bowls and they aren’t even on “free TV” they have to be aired on ESPN—only three games were over the air…. The ROSE BOWL was even on ESPN! In the history, of that grand game—its been on all three big networks—CBS, NBC, and most recently ABC!... now its on its cable sister, ESPN! At least the Cotton Bowl has FOX Network to keep them over the air!

Now we move to the number one game, the game that will decide who is the National Champion in College Football, the BCS Championship Game from New Orleans this evening, the LSU Tigers and the Alabama Crimson Tide.  Some say, this is nothing more than a rematch of the game earlier played in Alabama when the Tide lost to the Tigers 9-6 in overtime.  Rematch, re-run, replay, whatever you wish to call it, some people are not happy about it!

They think that Oklahoma State should be playing for this title, and I have to admit, that would have been a better game, but none the less this is the time where they will either put up or shut up… meaning Alabama—they think that they were robbed in the first meeting, but the truth is, they played the same guys and they lost that game—you want to shut the “ney-sayers” up then beat LSU by more than three!

Though from my side of the fence—I don’t see that happening. I believe that the best team in College football is LSU. They proved it before and I think that they will prove it again in the Super Dome,… that will be more like a Home Field for them—and though Alabama will travel—the LSU side will a bit more louder!

I do think that this game will not be as defensive as the first game, and that the offensive schemes will be more wide open and not so conservative.

With that being said, here is the real crux of the matter…. There must be a playoff system for College Football, the Bowls must agree that they will be used to decide the National Championship tree, and they will be more than just the SUPER Conferences.

Our society has to understand that College football is as huge as the NFL, and that without a playoff system the arguments will continue! WHO is the BEST? Well we will never know unless they break it down, we do it for Basketball as well as Baseball! Why not for Football?

Lower conferences do it, why don’t Division I? I don’t have a clue! And if you do, then you are lot smarter than I.

WE have been told that the schools and the Bowls are against it because of finals and money, and those two things have always been the driving force of college athletics, and that school comes first (grades that is) and that corporate sponsors don’t wish to lose their NAME visibility with the attachment to the Bowl Games.

IN Dallas, the AT&T Cotton Bowl has been the presiding name in that bowl for over 15 years, there has not been another corporate sponsor that has been attached to a bowl for longer and with stronger ties that AT&T. I give them credit, before they came on board—it was the Mobile Cotton Bowl, and then SBC Cotton Bowl, we all know that SBC joined AT&T and that was a natural transition.

But the other Bowls have changed names faster than you and I change shirts. So why is it that one sponsor has stayed with the same bowl for all this time? Its simple, they are local, and the CBAA (Cotton Bowl Athletic Association) has been working with the community for the last 76 years. ‘Nuff Said!

So tonight—in Louisiana, sixty minutes will decide who will be crowned the number one team in College Football and as soon as that game is over—the critics will start their barrage of comments on how this was not the game that should have been played, that Alabama slid into that position without playing in a conference championship game, and that their position in the polls was a load of hogwash, that Oklahoma State should have played—and so on and so on!

Truth is… it’s the Crimson Tide and the Bayou Bengals are hooking up and may the best team win!

Just a thought