Monday, December 17, 2012

Josh Brent on the Sidelines-- Deal or No Deal!

C'Mon MAN! That's the New Battle Cry for sports fans-- thank you ESPN!

Josh Brent-- a couple of weeks ago, was involved in a horrible traffic accident in Irving, Texas that caused his car to roll over and his passenger-- a teammate, and a close, dear friend Jerry Brown-- died that night!
On Sunday afternoon at Cowboys Stadium, Josh Brent was on the Cowboys Sideline, wearing a Cowboys Hoodie and Cowboys ball cap, along with the jersey (#53) of Brown draped on his shoulder during a moment of silence and the opening ceremonies to the game.

Fans-- television analyst, and writers have said that this was the WRONG message being sent to fans and young fans at that!


Alright-- background time! Ms. Brown-- Jerry's mom, informed anyone within ear shot of her comments (including the media) that she forgave Josh for what happened-- and that she loved him as if Brent was her own son! That takes a lot of strength to say those words-- and more so-- she is grieving as much as Brent is about the loss of his friend!

HOWEVER! The Dallas Cowboys football club is a business, no different than IBM, or Pepsico Foods International and so on! With in the confines of that business structure there are people in place that will help those who have gone through a major tragedy or other catastrophe in their lives.

I don't remember a place of business (unless they are shallow or have policies in place that state that an indiscretion would cause termination) The NFL doesn't have a policy of that! Mr. Brent is not going to be fired from his position until after a trial is had, and the evidence is presented. WE all know that he was legally drunk, the blood alcohol level proved that, but he made his bond, the Cowboys opened up their facility to him for treatment, they have kept him on the team, he has not been removed from the payroll, and until that day comes, he is a part of the organization!

IF we are going to talk about how Brent shouldn't have been allowed on the sidelines of the game, then we need to re-evaluate situations! Michael Vick has a conviction and prison term against him-- yet he is allowed to come back to the league and play for NFL money, PacMan Jones, has been arrested numerous times for all sorts of charges, assault, carrying a weapon in places you're not suppose to, and yet he is on an NFL team, Plaxico Burress, not only went into a place where weapons are forbidden, but he let loose one round-- albeit it went into this leg-- yet when he was done with his jail time-- he was permitted back on a team.

So Brent had an accident, that was caused by him drinking, and yet we find it more forgiving AFTER someone has been arrested and charged, and sentenced, then it is when a person who is hurting, and mourning, and needs his "family".. his team around him more than anything else!

This is not about "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" B.S.! This is about someone who has the support of a business that is looking out for his best interest and as Jason Garrett and Jerry Jones both have said, Josh Brent is a part of the Dallas Cowboys Football Team, and they will look after him the best that they can, and offer him any and all help to keep him focused and hopefully not see him turn into depression, which could lead to other problems.

Give Mr. Brent the benefit of the doubt! HE is hurting, this is no different than any one of us who made a major mistake and has to live with it! The consequences that they will deal with, will be on their terms and they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives!

Being on the sidelines showed solidarity of the Team to a Teammate! Unless you wear a helmet, shoulder pads, and jersey, and step out onto that field and play between the lines-- we have no idea what they are thinking, and we have no idea why they think it! But whatever the reason is, they think it is right, and therefore we should do our best to accept those reasons!

Just a thought!

Friday, December 14, 2012

What the Hell is Going ON?

Well thats the 64 million dollar question on everyone's lips today isn't it?

I mean-- in the last 72 hours, we have had two gunman open fire on innocent people for no reason whatsoever, and the results are families grieving for the lost of their loved ones.

It didn't happen in our back yard, it didn't happen to me, it didn't touch me-- really? it didn't? EVERY time someone takes a number of lives, be it in Columbine, Colorado, or at Virginia Tech University, or Austin, Texas (1966 Texas Tower Shooting) or today in Newtown, Connecticut, we are touched!

A Luby's restaurant, a man walks in and opens fire in central Texas, or at Fort Hood a couple of years ago, a Army Major, opens fire and killing innocent people. Mass Murders in a single day, we know about the shooting at a Movie theater not too long ago, and yet the same argument is being spewed over and over again, about gun control.

This is not the time to make this a political argument! This is not the time to make a statement about who should or should not carry a gun! THIS IS A TIME TO MOURN and GRIEVE!
There were five year olds shot and killed today, there were adults that lost their lives, because they were in that school building, as they should, to teach our young and make them into promising adults in the their future!

THEIR FUTURE!-- it was snuffed out by a bullet, and by a man, who, for whatever reason, decided that it was the best thing for him to do is go and shoot up children, and end their lives, and their hopes and destroy their families! SOMEONE DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!

All they could think about, was destruction, and the end results is this! There are dead bodies now that have to be identified and claim by loved ones, then there are memorials and funerals to plan, and there is the Christmas tree with the unopened presents under it, or the last few nights of Hanukah, where candles will be lit but no one there to enjoy the light flickering into the night!

Innocence is lost, shattered, and hopes and dreams dashed. All because someone was angry, snapped, and thought that this was the only way out!

IF you are that angry, and you are that hurtful, and you wish to end your life, then be selfish and just do it to yourself! I do not condone suicide, believe me, I have walked that thin line! But it is a selfish act, to do that, but why take others lives with you! Why is it necessary to bring someone else into your little chaotic world! LEAVE THEM ALONE! they did nothing to put you in that state, they did nothing to harm you, and yet you have decided to choose them to die at your hand because you're pissed off, and depressed and think that this is the only way out!

May G-d have mercy on your soul, and may he embraced those angles coming to him in the form of innocent children, and may they find their wings to protect those of us still here and mourn their lives, and pray for the peace that their families need, and keep them safe- Their Christmas wreath will turn to black instead of green this time of year, but it is with the spirit of the season that we hope that joy and smiles will once again return to the faces of those left behind, including the children that were saved, and hopes that they will not live this nightmare again!

Let us all hope and wish for PEACE ON EARTH and GOODWILL TO ALL!

Just a thought

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tragedy Strikes Close to Home!

In the early morning hours of Saturday, December 8th, 2012, a bad decision was made by a 24 year old man, who got behind the wheel of a car after being at a party near downtown Dallas, and drove while he had too much to drink.

He put not only his own life in danger but he also placed the life of his passenger in danger. Not too mention the other lives that are on the road, that had no idea that he had been drinking.

Now I can end this story here—you can insert any name of any person you know that has done this before. Lord knows we have known someone who was either involved in an accident or maybe lost a loved one to a drunk driver, in our lifetime.

However, this story involves a HIGH Profile person, someone who is a professional athlete, someone who thinks at times, that they are entitled, the ones that when they get pulled over, or after they have been in an accident, usually the first thing out of their mouth is usually “Don’t you know who I am?”… like that’s going to make this situation any better or go away!

Here’s the awful truth. A person made a bad choice, and in the end… and tore two families apart!

Josh Brent a Dallas Cowboy player, was driving late at night, on a piece of road way that is usually pretty dangerous even in day light—and one can only imagine what its like when there is very little light on the road way, and then the next thing you know—the car he is driving, loses control, and flips onto its roof and the passenger, his friend from College is tossed around like a rag doll inside the car, and is declared dead shortly after he arrives at the hospital.

It brings back memories of Dewayne Goodrich, that was drunk, and was driving along a Dallas highway—came upon a car with their flashers on—and smashed into that disabled car, killing the good Samaritan on the side of the road—Goodrich was convicted and served 8 years in jail, another incident involved Eric Williams when he took the curve a little too fast along LBJ Freeway in North Dallas at the North Dallas Tollway—and smashed into the retaining wall, and lets not forget, that Former Dallas Cowboy Wide receiver Drew Pearson had an accident as well—along LBJ Freeway in East Dallas where he was returning from a charity basketball game—and was driving his younger brother Carey Mark Pearson also known as Moose, struck the back end of a tractor trailer, and Carey was killed, and Drew lost his football career because of injuries. His blood alcohol level was just slightly above the average, he believes he nodded off and that was all it took.

All it takes is a split second of decision, that is the wrong one, and your life or the lives around are destroyed or changed forever!

Josh Brent will have to live with the choice for the rest of his life, that the life that was taken away was that of his best friend, and a person he considered to be his little brother! The grief that he will feel, and the steps that he will have to take, will be long and they will be painful!

The other people that are affected are those who are in that locker room at Valley Ranch, and those players and staff members will have to find their own way of dealing with this tragedy.

For the second time in one week time span, the NFL has been struck with deaths. However, this time, we will have to deal with the fact that one was selfish, and the other was just plain stupid! Either way—those left behind will have to find with in themselves to find answers and peace!

Just a Thought!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tragedy in Kansas City!

There are those who are saying that the NFL is handling this all wrong, that after Jevon Belcher shot his girlfriend and then drove to Arrowhead Stadium-- spoke with both the Head Coach and the General Manager of the football team, turned stepped away for about three feet-- then held the gun to his own head and fired!

We all know that is a permanent solution to a temporary problem-- shooting and killing someone then yourself! Something could have been done, one would think, to have stayed this sort of behavior off... but alas... two people are dead, two families are destroyed, a three month child is now an orphan-- and the entire Kansas City Chief Football team is devastated! And YET! The NFL as well as the Chiefs, said that they would play on Sunday afternoon against the Carolina Panthers at 12noon CST.

I am having a hard time with this one! I can't imagine a family, and lets face it, that's what a team is, they are family, they live and work together more than they sometimes spend with their own real families, and with that in mind, you have to think that these men are not mentally ready to step out on the gridiron and take on an opponent and give it their 100%. Their thoughts are going to be with their "Brother" who took his own life on the very stadium parking lot, that they will go and do battle in with a foe that is being told to travel and be ready to play this hurting team.

Back in 1963, Pete Rozelle the Commissioner of the NFL, on the Sunday after President Kennedy was shot, and in fact the very day that Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby in the Police Department basement, held games, and the country was in mourning! Not a good idea, and not well received by a lot of fans!

In fact-- the Dallas Cowboys were traveling to Cleveland to take on the Browns that day, and the Browns Public Address Announcer, was informed that he was to only refer to the Dallas team as the COWBOYS, and not Dallas.

Rozelle would later say, that it was one of his biggest regrets, and that hindsight, she should have postponed those games for a later time!

The Kansas City Chiefs should had done the same thing, and get ready for this game on another night-- Monday, or Thursday, enough time to put the images away-- and mourn the lost of their teammate!
On this occasion, I say that the NFL overstepped its boundaries, and allowed the DOLLAR to control the actions of a team, and a city that is hurting!

Just a thought!