Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Got the Dress—forgot the Pumps!

That’s probably how Texas A&M feels about their sending the word out that they were ready to jump from the Big XII to the Southeastern Conference!

A&M pretty much feels like they could do better by going to the SEC for their sports, maybe in some capacity, but the engine that drives that car is FOOTBALL, and to be absolutely honest with you, I don’t think that the Aggies are that good to put up with the likes of Florida, Alabama, Auburn, LSU, Mississippi State, Georgia—shall I continue… I mean over the last few years, the SEC have that crystal ball in their trophy cases, and the Big XII has a couple, with Texas being the last one to win it in 2005!

Texas A&M will tell you that its has nothing to do with the Longhorns having their own network, and that this is business.  WELL SHUT MY MOUTH and CALL ME SASSY! Ya THINK?

HEY AGGIES—ITS ALL ABOUT BUSINESS! And in the best interest of business and tradition, why would you or anyone else for that matter throw away the years of competition that the Aggies and the Longhorns have had over the last hundred years, and toss what its suppose to be about tradition and family!

Have you forgotten that in 1999 when your bonfire fell, and 12 Aggies lost their lives, what school came to your aid and threw out the hatred to wrap their collective arms around you, and felt your loss and your pain—it was the ORANGE BLOODS! YES the Texas Longhorns! Forget that this ritual of hating each other over a land deal, and remember that the competition on the field of play, be it football or basketball, or even baseball for that matter—is still about beating each other there. EVERYTHING ELSE is about taking care of our own!

You think that the Longhorns Network is not a good idea, and I can tell you, that it’s a tremendous idea, not just for the University of Texas but for the entire BigXII, why? Because when you are on the screen with them—YOU”RE Being promoted just like Texas is.  What’s the old sales adage! ANY PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY! Schools like Texas A&M and Nebraska and Colorado, and all the others that jump their conferences for the greener pastures, don’t think about the alumni, and how they feel about their rivals.

NEW SCHOOL isn’t always the best—sometimes OLD SCHOOL has its place! You’ve must have forgotten back 25 years ago, a company thought, that by changing their formula of their product, that they would WIN over new customers! WRONG! They had to “crawfish” (look it up if you don’t understand the phrase) and go back to their ORIGINAL formula and call it “CLASSIC”… oh yeah—the product was Coca-Cola! YA THINK!?!?!?!?

I have listened to students at high schools, talk about how they don’t get the traditions at their school and why they think that they should “up-date” their traditions.  I love telling them to go up to Southbend, Indiana and tell the Fightin’ Irish to go to a GREEN HELMET! Do you really think that’s going to go over well, or tell USC to remove their sunglasses from the band!—maybe tell the Aggies to sit down during a football game that their 12th man is no longer needed! REALLY? TRADITIONS! They are there to be handed down from class to class—from generation to generation…. HIGH SCHOOL is where you learn about keeping tradition, and College is where you learn to LIVE the tradition!

So why end the tradition of playing your rival—Texas A&M—you’ve been around since 1876—as the University of Texas was around since 1883—your rivalry is over a land deal that went sour.. 1/3 of the deal went to A&M and 2/3 went to the 40 acres in Austin, and ever since the Aggies have been wanting to “SAW THE HORNS” off of Bevo.

Hell even BEVO’s name is great folklore—as the Aggies beat Texas 13-0 and branded the steer with that score—so inventive as the Longhorns are, they re-branded the beast with taking the 13 and making it a “B” taking the dash and turning that into an “E” …putting a “V” and then taking the 0 and making it an “O” to make the name!

Instead of making the conference that harbors your rival, and others, and make it stronger, you wish to weaken it, and leave it for greener grass, that truly is not all that green! The SEC is not the answer, taking care of your business and creating something special for yourselves NOW and for the future, make your own deal, create something that your alum will be proud of, and will keep new students wanting to come to the school!

It really is that simple, for some reason, some people WANT to make it harder than it is! That’s how you keep things going, you don’t like what Texas has done with ESPN—then make something happen for yourself! OU is on the verge of doing something for themselves, we already know about Notre Dame, and their deal with NBC- so why not, get together with FOX SOUTHWEST HOUSTON or FOX SPORTS, or who knows who else and make your own foot print! QUIT CRYING about what someone else has done—and improvise, adapt and overcome—hell you’re an institution that still have the Corp of Cadets! You claim to be the SPIRIT OF AGGIELAND! PROVE IT!

Prove you have a spirit—instead of picking up your toys and running off at the drop of the hat—and stop crying wolf!

You’ve done been told NO by the SEC for now, but truth is, you’ll get over what Brother has done to your G.I. Joe and get back to doing what you do best—play the game and educate your students and make them the future of our society!

Just a thought!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pro Football Hall of Fame!

This weekend—the Pro Football Hall of Fame will induct players into the hallowed halls, and welcome them with their gold blazers and send them their Hall of Fame Rings for presentation in stadiums when the time comes.

The class of 2011 will have members entering that played the majority of their playing career with one team, and there are others that played with several teams… one in particular, the one man who can lay claim to have played in a Super Bowl and a World Series in the same year, he was able to change the game to a degree with offenses changing the way they throw the ball, or keep him away from the intended receiver, and with one phone call on a September day in 1994, he came to a team with a Star on the Helmet, and Stars that already were on the team, and just one more made it complete!

Neon- Deion Sanders! PRIME TIME! The man from Florida State, came to the Dallas Cowboys and propelled them to a Third Super Bowl Championship in four years, with a win in Super Bowl XXX over the Pittsburgh Steelers. This was after his former team the San Francisco 49ers beat San Diego in Super Bowl XXIX (too many X’s and not enough O’s)… so now Deion has TWO rings—and now has a Hall of Fame entrance to boot!

So what’s next? Does he enter the “RING OF HONOR” at Cowboys Stadium, interesting debate, only in the fact that Sanders has already stated that he is not interested in the Ring, and that he believes that it should be held for those who have played there their entire career! Politically correct statement from Sanders—however did he not provide for this team another Super Bowl Victory? Similar to that of Charles Haley, or Tony Casillas both of whom came to this team from others, Haley- from the 49ers and Casillas from Atlanta, and both contributed in major ways for the Cowboys to secure three Super Bowl Trophies!

So are they deserving of a place of honor in the Ring? Just wondering… personally speaking the ones that are missing from the RING today—Drew Pearson, other than having a problem with management some time ago—I would think that time heals all wounds… why is he NOT in the Ring so far? Good Question Mr. Jones… others that belong, why is Charlie Waters not in the Ring, why is Jay Novacek not in the Ring— Why not Everson Walls (just his gift of life for Ron Springs should be a huge reason, as well as his rookie accomplishments) However even with all these other names—the one that is missing is PEARSON! Number 88! The Original—the man on the other end of Roger Staubach’s Hail Mary pass in Minnesota in 1975… the man that caught Clint Longley’s MAD BOMB against the Redskins on a Thanksgiving Day—and the man that caught the game winning pass from Danny White in 1981 to send them to the NFC Championship game against the 49ers and when you look at that game- Danny White almost pulled that one off with Pearson leading the way!

Now with all of that, WHY is he NOT in the Ring? Mr. Jones? We can’t hear you! You’re not saying much—you’re not responding, only to say that it is a committee decision and that committee is ONE person—YOU! Isn’t it about time to burry the hatchet and put Drew Pearson into the Ring of Honor!

Just a thought!