Tuesday, May 10, 2011

They Say That the Good Die Young

I was told last night of a lost of another friend, only this time, he was not a legend from broadcasting or of someone of high profile, he was just Terry!

Terry Crouch, the name might mean something to some of you, if you attended Oklahoma University during the late 70's and early 80's... recruited as a nose tackle on defense-- Terry was converted to offensive line and led the Sooners to a Big 8 championship, along with being named All American in '81.

He was drafted by the (then) Baltimore Colts, and played 9 games for the Colts before leaving and trying to play in the USFL for the LA Express, protecting some left handed throwing quarterback named Young! (Steve Young). Terry didn't pass the physical, they discovered that he had a heart murmur and he decided that one year of NFL experience was enough.

Terry returned to his roots in Dallas, you see, Terry graduated from Skyline High School in 1977, and he was then and up to his death, a gentle giant of a man. Six feet two inches and 278 lbs of moving earth, he hit you like a rock slide coming off a mountain! Solid and without mercy!

Terry was a coach to youngsters, and an insurance salesman to adults, and a friend to a lot of people.

  I remember my friend, we hadn't talked in years, and one day, a mutual friend gave me his new phone number, I called it on a whim, and it was like Terry and I never stopped speaking... picked up right where we left off at!

I am not sure of the type of illness that took Terry, though its been said that it was lengthy. He died on Sunday night at a Dallas Hospital, his family gathered to be around him we are told. I can tell you that I know he was not alone. That his faith, his family, his love was stronger than anything I ever witnessed. When we spoke, he told me of his spirit, and his ability to be calm in times of crisis. Qualities that I wish I had sometimes.

I admired Terry when we were younger, not because he was a football player, but because he was able to be a friend to the jock, and to the geek in school. He didn't see boundaries , he always saw potential in everyone!

When I was in college, I had the opportunity to cover the annual Texas- OU game at the Cotton Bowl, and Terry happen to be playing that day. He had spotted me on the sidelines a couple of times, and I thought he had nodded my way--- key word, 'Thought"... anyway-- this was in the days that the Sooner offence was the Wishbone-- lots of runs to the sidelines-- in the middle of the 2nd quarter-- OU is on the move-- and here comes the pitch to the sideline... right near where I was stationed to shoot photos-- and the next thing I know I am flat on my back- about 10 feet from where I was standing, and there's Terry with a big 'o grin on his face... extending his hand and saying--"Good to see ya David!"... and then ran off to the next play!  Yeah-- that was Terry's way of having a little fun at my expense-- but you know-- I didn't mind then... and I still don't mind today-- almost 30 years later!

Terry, you leave behind a lot of friends, and family that will miss you, and there are those of us who spoke about you often and always with a smile on our face... you're free from pain now my friend, and with hopes that you are able to rest in peace!

Just a thought

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