Monday, April 25, 2011

Tom Schieffer Will Man the Dodgers

Former Texas Ranger President, Tom Schieffer will take over the Los Angeles Dodgers per Commissioner Bud Selig's request.

Schieffer was a mere investor in 1989 when he and a few others, including George W. Bush purchased the Texas Rangers Baseball Club from Eddie Chiles, we know what happened to Bush, he later became Governor of the State of Texas then after a few years of that, he wanted to be President of the United States and succeeded at that!

Shortly after the Rangers won their Western Division pennant in 1998 another person wanted to buy the Rangers, his name was Thomas O. Hicks... we all know the story after 10 years of ownership... Major League Baseball pretty much starting running things while the Bankruptcy court took control and then later sold the team to the highest bidder, Nolan Ryan and Chuck Greenberg, and we know the story there as well, as Greenberg just before the end of Spring Training was released as CEO of the club.

Whew-- what does all of this have to do with Schieffer running the Dodgers?  Well plenty-- ya see--- Mr. Schieffer comes into this job with plenty of background... first, we go back to the Ranger days, when he ran the team and gave them their first playoff birth in 1996.. THEN when President George W. Bush was in office, for those 8 years, he appointed Schieffer as Ambassador to Australia then later Japan.

The Ambassador has more experience in running things than most baseball people do, and lets not forget that his brother Bob Scheiffer is a CBS Newsman, who's integrity is unmatched! Tom is the same way!  It runs in the family!

The Dodgers are in good hands, with Schieffer at the helm, and the ship will run correctly, and without problems.  The Dodgers found themselves in this situation when the owner and his wife decided to divorce, and like some states, its community property are business holdings that the couple have, in this case the baseball team, and when the financials were revealed, it seemed that the owners lived well above their means, and took the money from the ball club to do it with.  The by-laws of Major League Baseball are pretty clear, about re-investing into the club with the profits made from the team.

While  the McCourts sort out their legal problems-- Major League Baseball will run the LA Dodgers, and hopefully, this once proud organization will rise above all of this and work their way to the post season, their image already tarnished by the opening day brutality of a San Francisco Giant fan who was severely beaten while walking from the game. The victim is a first responder himself, for the San Francisco area, he was ganged up on at a bus stop, by thugs, plain and simple. THUGS! They have no place in our society, they do nothing than bring terror to neighborhoods, and its been going on since the beginning  of time. Bullies. That's all they are! And the Dodgers have to fight that image along with the internal image of trying to right their ship.

The sheriff in town is Schieffer, and the Dodgers will  once again be right!

Just a thought!

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