Thursday, July 21, 2011

For Those Who Went Before Us!

It’s a slogan that is used by an organization called, Guns & Hoses.

Now I know you read that, and immediately thought Guns & Roses… but nope its HOSES! As in Fire Fighters!

Guns & Hoses, is an organization that raises money for families of Officers and Fire Fighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

They have been in the Greater Metroplex for the past 10 years, with their major event being a Boxing Tournament held in the fall. Law Enforcement vs. Fire & Rescue, they put on the gloves and go at it inside the squared circle. There is a trophy that is delivered to the team that wins the tournament, and bragging rights for the year!

We bring this up, because they have added all sorts of events throughout the year to continue this fundraising.

In May, they have one of the largest Golf outings that have been brought to the North Texas area, with over 400 golf teams involved, (times that number by 4 per team, and you get an idea of how many people participate in this event), this past July 16th, they held the first Annual Pig Skin Championship at Cowboys Stadium (yes you read that right as well) where the Fire beat the Police 8-7, and again bragging rights for one year, and later they will have their Second Annual Basketball Tournament at The Dr. Pepper Center in Frisco, and then in October, the Granddaddy of them all, the Boxing Tournament.

These Officers, and Fire Fighters, along with countless volunteers, and family members put their time and efforts to bring these events to you the public, but, there’s something missing! YOU! That’s right YOU the public, need to make an effort to come out and watch and participate, and get involved. Buying the tickets, or maybe even being a sponsor of an event, and bring more awareness to this organization.

This Foundation provides for those families who have lost their loved one in the line of duty, by donating a check immediately upon word that an officer has died, they take care of their children, with funds for just buying Christmas presents, or maybe helping with college funds for the children until they reach the age of 18.

When those who choose to wear a badge go out and protect and to serve our communities, they risk their lives to protect you and me, as a first responder, we know the perils that these men and women go through. We read it about it every day in the newspapers and on our television screens.

How many times have  we seen that someone has decided to go up against a police officer, and kill them, or they were killed in a traffic accident while they were protecting someone else at the same time. We know about the fire fighters who lose their life while battling wild fires, or a house fire where someone was lost in the fire while trying to save someone else.

We sometimes take these people for granted, that they are here all the time, but when one goes down, it doesn’t matter what community, or city, we all feel the lost.

In the 1980’s the Dallas Police Department lost several officers in that decade, and at one point, the community rose to support the Department when a local Grocer sent out bumper stickers with a “THUMBS UP and BACK THE BLUE”, we turned our headlines on to show our support, and were encouraged to just gesture officers driving around town with our own THUMBS UP to let them know we are behind them!

Here is another way to show that support! Yes we are having fun, with football games, basketball games, golf tournaments, and with boxing, but all in all, we are in this together. From Ft. Worth across to Dallas, and all the communities in between, there are hundreds of men and women who kiss their loved one’s good bye on any given day, and its when they don’t come home after their shift, that we are all touched.

That’s where Gun & Hoses steps in and takes care of their own, and we as a community should embrace them and help as well!

Getting involved is not that hard, a donation, or just buying a ticket to an event, and watching someone that you might not even know, but this is such a fun way to learn about them, and once again, showing them that THUMBS UP that you are backing the Blue as well as the Red for their efforts and their commitment to taking care of US in our time of need, and it’s a wonderful gesture to say “THANK YOU”!

Circle some dates on your calendar, August 27th, 2011, the Basketball game in Frisco, and on October 22nd, in Mesquite at the Resistol Arena for the Boxing Tournament.  What fun you can have for not a lot of coin to enjoy the event, and get to know these men and women who put their lives on the line to PROTECT & TO SERVE you and me!

It’s a great way to say THANK YOU!

Just a thought

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