Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Perfect Season Ends-- Let's Leave it at That!

I have been reading, and hearing, with some dismay, about how Skyline High School was "robbed" in the State Semi-finals last Saturday night.

Let me preface by saying, I am a Skyline Alum, and I was at the game, I saw the entire game, every play, every down, and Skyline out-played Southlake Carroll, up and down the field.  Some questionable calls from the coaches have me scratching my head, like going for it on 4th an 1 from near midfield and not making it, but the Defense held and Southlake didn't score.

OH! WAIT! Thats the entire point!

Skyline's complaint, from parents, and boosters, to alumnus and anyone else involved, have said, that Carroll's onside kick with 1:07 left in the game, didn't go 10 yards, and that they stole the game. NO they DIDN'T! They beat Skyline, because their defense didn't stop the  Dragons from scoring on a 38 yard run to give them the 28-24 victory.

You see folks, it all comes down to this--- so the call didn't go your way--- so you didn't get the ball and run out the clock-- you had that opportunity earlier in the game when you were up by 10.

The Dragons were able to score-- get the ball back, and gave themselves the chance to win and they did!

Whining about it, and making calls to the UIL will only make you look like whiners. That is NOT what we (Skyline) are about- our motto of the school-- PRIDE and UNITY!Well live it-- PRIDE in what they did for a season and being United as a community of the school and pass students of this institution!

These kids did an outstanding job-- they kept their grades up so they could stay eligible, they played their butts off during the season to run the table-- they were 14-0 going into the game against Carroll and they came up short.

In LIFE, we have winners and we have losers-- not every one gets a medal pass a certain age... the Steelers didn't get miniature trophies for losing Super Bowl XVL, they walked off the field and got dressed and left the stadium.... the Rangers didn't get anything for losing game 7 of the World Series. they just packed their bags, got on an airplane and flew back to Texas.

So Skyline loses-- and for that they will learn a valuable lesson, they had the game in their hands-- they didn't finish the job, they came up short on their accomplishment, of stopping Carroll for scoring on their last possession.... that truly is the bottom line!

Just a thought!

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