Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mr. Magoo! You’ve Done It Again! NCAA!

What in the world is the NCAA thinking?

Penn State has been stripped of their victories dating back to 1998—they have now tarnished every STUDENT Athlete that put on the Nittany Lion Blue, and for what? Because the NCAA think that its best to penalize the entire program and not those who were or ARE involved!

They take away scholarships, they take away bowl appearances, they take away the wins, they take away Bowl victories, they take away the statue of the long standing coach—they take away all the things that we connect with Penn State!

BECAUSE LARRY SANDUSKY is a moron! Sandusky is a Pedophile! Not the kid who lined up on the gridiron against his opponent every week and played the game, he didn’t hold the children in the showers, he had nothing to do with the problem of ONE man—and one system that protected him.

The Administration, the Athletic Director, the Coach, the President of the University, they all should be thrown in jail, they all should be taken to the wood shed… and let the penalty be stiff!

BUT to make the kids that go to school, because of the education, and the tradition of what Penn State has been, and to throw all of that away, because of this one person’s psycho background these kids are going to suffer!

And for those others who have the rings from their bowl championships, or their trophies, that they won—they are now gone!

When SMU was given the death penalty—it sorta made a bit more sense, mainly because it was the program that was corrupt—THE PROGRAM—this is not the PROGRAM—this is one PERSON who is corrupted, and because of his mental problem of wanting to take showers with little boys—the entire program will suffer! NO! that’s not whats suppose to happen! NOT THE PROGRAM!

Attack the school! Go after those in charge, take those to task—but leave the kids alone!
No where in the NCAA BY-LAWS does it state, that the action of the administration should be taken out on the student athlete that had nothing to do with the crime! In short—when a recruiting violation takes place—the School must forfeit its scholarships and then have sanctions placed upon it, because the program as a whole failed. This is NOT the case—this is about a MAN who has a sickness, and illness, and it was with adolescents, who could not speak for themselves!

This will never be reversed, and for those athletes who played for, and are still at the school are now told what you did during your time there doesn’t matter! It was all for not! It just sickens the soul, and worse, it gives these former players and students a sense of LOSS that they can never get back! Your records mean nothing now!

SMU for the most part, hasn’t fully recovered from those days, and its been almost 25 years since that happened! How long is it going to take Penn State? No one knows!

Joe Paterno’s name has been removed as the coach with most wins in a career, his statue taken down, however the University says that his name will remain on the School Library…. Don’t know if that is a good consolation or not, but none the less, what does need to happen is for the School to police itself, and let the court system run its course.

The bottom line here is, the NCAA got this one wrong. The Penalty should not have taken ANYTHING away from the student athlete, it should have left the program in-tact, and let those involved been dealt with by the proper authorities.

Its just a thought! 

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