Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday Traditions!

Every year, we gather at a table and we have a full meal, and it has always interest me in recent times, that this is the ONLY day in the year, outside of maybe Christmas and Passover (for my Jewish friends) that we gather in one place to eat a meal!

I mean, when I was growing up, it was nothing for the family to sit at the dinner table after mom and dad got home from work, and we ate at a specific time, or close to it, and talked about the days events and how school was, or what was going on in the world.

TODAY! OH MY LORD! WE are lucky if we have a moment to see each other coming and going, between work, and school, and soccer, and band, and dance, and football, and drill team, and cheerleader, and so on and so on and so on!

NOW we know why there is a fast food restaurant on every corner of the city, and then some!

GOODNESS, step back and take a breath!

Traditions, have been bent, broken, shattered, and destroyed over the last few generations.
I will bet that there are few families that will gather in front of their televisions to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade from New York, with bands, floats, and balloons... less will be interested in what is going on in their own home towns where there were once parades that had a Thanksgiving theme or at least the beginning of the Christmas season!

I remember getting up early on Thanksgiving mornings, and with my dad, sit in front of the television to watch the parade- (of course my father originally was from New York) so there was a touch of home for him, but this was in the 1960's, and we would then help mom with cooking the Turkey and the rest of the meal, and set the table and have friends and family over or we would go to other's houses to for the meal... hell there was even times when we would go to the Cotton Bowl to watch the Dallas Cowboys play on Thanksgiving! (Beating the dreaded Packers that particular year 16-13)

Now Thanksgiving is centered around-- what time the games are, and who is playing when, and if there is a college game later in the day, and can we be at so-n-so's house before kickoff , or by at least half time.
Lets not forget that  we also have the dreaded-- what time are you going to be at the SUPER STORE for their opening to start the Christmas shopping on  Black Friday (and believe me, working Black Friday is no peach of a deal either)... WHAT EVER HAPPENED to going shopping on the weekend, not on ONE day and spreading it out til the end of the shopping season?

Well it went away with a generation built on instant gratification! EVERYTHING has to be done RIGHT NOW, without delay, without haste, and by-gum if you get in my way-- I will run you over with my shopping cart, and I don't care if you are bleeding to death-- I need to get to that last SNUGGY BEFORE YOU DO!  Whew! Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all men-- Yeah right!

Thanksgiving! A time to relax, and enjoy the company of our family and friends, and to be with those who matter most in our lives. Sometimes, its nothing more than a gesture to say THANK YOU to someone who was kind enough to invite you over for the meal, and to be a part of their family, when yours is either too far away-- or worse-- right around the corner but you don't talk to them for whatever reason!
Whichever traditions you have, or have had, or will start with your own family, may you enjoy the season, and have a wonderful time stuffing your belly's till they are over lapping your belts! Sleep until Kickoff.. and hoping your team wins!

And as far as shopping is concerned! Best deals are usually AFTER The holidays are over-- usually that is! Don't get suckered into the "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE DEALS" they usually are!

Best to you this holiday season-- and may the spirit of the holidays be with you throughout the year!

Just a thought!

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