Monday, April 8, 2013

Trying to Follow in the Footsteps!

Once upon a time ago there once was a man who spoke his mind, and did it with S-A-T words that most of us had to go and look up in dictionaries, only problem was, that we didn't know how to SPELL the damn words that he was using!

We lost Howard Cosell back in 1995 due to a heart attack at the age of 77... and in that lost was the most prolific sports caster we knew of our generation.

His voice, his cadence, the way he spoke, was a package that was often imitated, but never duplicated.
The one constant with Cosell was his ability to just speak his mind, and not worry about who he was going to offend, or step on toes, be it the fan or the athlete he was talking about.

Most often though-- he offended the sports fan, because he "told it like it was"... and never backed off his opinion, be it with the Muhammad Ali situation in 1968, when he refused induction into the United States Army for duty in Viet Nam, or if it was seeing a running back make his way up the gridiron calling him a little monkey!

Now that got him fired.. but the fact is.. he once called his grandchildren little monkeys and that was a term of endearment.

In any case, that brings us to now!

A radio show, something that has no pictures, other than what we can let you see with your minds eye, and a show that talks about sports-- but more importantly a show that tells it like it is. No fluff, nothing to hold us accountable because we are a flagship station for what ever professional team we have to talk about.

Seriously, if you are the flagship station of the NFL, NBA, MLB, or NHL team in your town, and you are paid by that team to air your games, or better yet you paid them to produce the games, then you are a little careful of what you say about them.

In our case, we aren't that way, we have no allegiance to a specific team. WE are a fan of the games, be it football, baseball, hockey, or basketball.

BUT! IF you suck as a team, or you have made bonehead mistakes on the field or off the field, or your management does some really stupid stuff, we are going to call you out, and we will do it with facts and not just spouting off from the top of our heads without thinking about it.

I have listened to enough sports talk radio, and been a part of talk radio in the 4th largest radio market in the country, and I have had to endure the likes of those who think that they are experts in the field of sports. Funny thing is, most of them never picked up a ball or a bat, or a stick and played the game outside of high school or pick up games.

Its a different beast when you step between the lines of a professional field, and think that you know what goes on in the minds of those who actually played the games.

I for one will always ask those who DID play the games, but my opinion is more about the business side of the game, or the likely hood that I know someone who is or was a professional athlete and in that particular sport and ask them for their response! I am a believer of asking the questions and getting the answers.
NOW as for standing on a soap box and airing my opinion of what I THINK needs to happen in sports or with a team, that goes without saying- thats the same as anyone of you that want to sit around a table and have a conversation about certain teams or games or whatever!

Questions such as, do you think that Tony Romo deserved the contract extension or did Elvis Andrus deserve his 120 million dollar contract, or what about having Brendan Morrow trade to Pittsburgh for youth, do you think that the Dallas Mavericks will EVER see another championship in their midst or were they like the New York Jets and be one and done?

Do you think that Bull Durham is the best sports movie ever- or maybe Raging Bull, what about For the Love of the Game, maybe Remember the Titans.. .what was YOUR favorite?

Those are the things we are going to talk about and get to know YOU about more, when we have you text us or "chat" with us while we are on the air.

Log on to learn more, hear more, and be entertained more, on Davradio Productions... and find out what Dave Michaels has to say!

Its just a thought! 

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