Friday, July 10, 2015


In recent days, and months, we, as a country, have come under some serious controversy, some of it has us wagging our tongues in anger, others has us wagging those same tongues in discussion!

Here is my take on the recent hooha of the Confederate Battle Flag, also known as the "Southern Cross".

We all NOW know what its true meaning was, and the reason why it was a BATTLE FLAG, and not the flag of the Confederate States, and therefore, its representation, and its implication has been distorted through history.

Even more, I have asked some friends of different ethnic backgrounds, of what certain flags mean to them when they see it.

I grew up in the South, Texas to be exact, we were under the flag of not only the Confederacy but also other countries, including Spain, France, Mexico, and of course the United States.

When I spoke with my friends, the Battle Flag-- the Southern Cross, the one that everyone says represents Slavery, or Hate... actually I know that the KKK has used that flag as their rallying cry for many years, and that they use it to symbolize that hate. Truth is, its just a piece of cloth, and for what it is worth, I don't get my ire up when I see it, I know its history and its background and I know that to some it gives off that vibe. But unless YOU teach the true meaning of it, the real purpose behind it, then you can defuse this hate, this representation.

Education is paramount! WE TEACH HATE, when a baby is born it knows no fear, it hasn't been taught what to be afraid of, be it the dark or the monsters under the bed at night. Or in some cases that we fear our neighbors. Truth is, FEAR and HATE are both TAUGHT traits, we aren't born with it, we have to be TOLD what to be afraid of, or who to dislike in our lives.

I grew up COLOR BLIND! I didn't, and still don't see a color of skin I see the character of the person. I have always agreed with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he said, that he had a dream that one day, "Black Children and White Children will grow up together"... and judge one another by their character not by the color of their skin!

Being Jewish, I know when I see a Swatzka, or a German SS uniform, I get a little chill down my spine. I remember being 15 years of age, my dad was a member of an organization that brought to a local mall, a car that was give to, and driven by Eva Braun, and for those of you not familiar with her, that was Adolf Hitler's girlfriend (later wife), he had a customized Mercedes Benz built for her, and it was unique, in that it had 24kt Hubcaps, a German Eagle on the hood, and dual engines, one was Gasoline, the other was Diesel.

I was the only one small enough to get into the driver's seat and steer it into the mall off of the truck. Sitting next to me in the passenger seat, was the SS uniform of the Corporal that was assigned to protect her.  The collector of the this piece of history purchased the car and had it stored in his home in Arizona.

I looked at the uniform, and for a moment, I was intrigued by it, then realized that it represented a time in our history, World History, where men, that thought that they were GODS wanted to eliminate an entire type of people. The JEWS, they were the enemy of the Third Reich, they were going to keep the Thousand Year Reich from ruling the world!

Again, many of those people had friends-- good friends, close friends, neighbors, and yet-- because of what they were taught by their leaders-- it became HATE, and FEAR, and the next thing you know-- SIX MILLION Jews, Prisoners, War Criminals, were exterminated!

Slavery is not just, believe me I know, the slaves that built the Pyramids in Egypt, 400 years of being slaves to Pharaohs to build cities, and monuments, but yet we seem to forget that Slaves have been around for thousands of years.

Flags, emblems, uniforms, call it what you will, we cannot re-write the history, we cannot white wash it to fit our Political Correctness that we have fallen into. The Flag to the left is what angers and incites riots and fights-- the truth is... its not the flag that flew over the state house of the Confederate. This is a battle flag! 

This is the flag that flew-- and by the looks of it, it does not stir up the hate that the one above

Teach the HISTORY don't re-write it! However, in teaching it, give it the respect that it deserves, its not always good, and its not always evil, and its not always right or wrong-- it is just what it is.. HISTORY!

Flags don't cause hate... PEOPLE CAUSE HATE! and distrust! The first thing is, we have to learn about each other, the culture, the traditions of our culture. Don't think YOU know your own culture, just because someone tells it to you, learn about it, go to it, live it, breathe it! That's YOUR job now!
A Generation is growing up in a society that believes that everything that they see and hear on the internet is true, and we all know (at least in my generation) that's not always the case, I know that there is false history, and I know that if you let the MEDIA drive the direction it wishes to take you in, then you (WE) are nothing more than SHEEP!

Time to wake up and move forward and time to take a stand, and time to TEACH new methods of understanding each other.

GAY, Straight, Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Purple, it does not matter, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddist, it doesn't matter..." we all live on this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all are concerned for our children's future, and we are all mortal! "- John F. Kennedy, Americas University Commencement Speech 1963.

Just a thought

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