Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tony Romo Haters

It seems that when a star athlete leaves the team in which they were a part of, for so many years, it is apparent that fans, all of sudden, jump on a bandwagon and praise this athlete, and sing his glory, as if he could be carried off the field of battle on his shield!

In the case of Tony Romo, during his playing days for the Dallas Cowboys, there were those who would call into talk shows or jump on social media, to just blast his inability to win playoff games or even worse, can’t even get to the Super Bowl, even though your owner, year after year, would tout that “This was the YEAR!” that they (the Cowboys) would go and win the whole smack!

NOW! The Cowboys announced on March 8th, 2017, that Tony Romo is going to be released from the club, and that Romo is now a FREE AGENT! With that being said, Romo will have his way on the market to see what he is worth, and which team is in dire need of a good quarterback! Notice I didn’t say, “GREAT” quarterback.

I have said it all along that, Tony Romo was this generations Danny White!

Meaning, that all the stats that Romo was able to compile during his playing days with the Cowboys were impressive. Completions, Yards, Touchdowns, Interceptions, they were all good numbers, breaking some of the records of Troy Aikman, Danny White, Roger Staubach, and probably even Don Meredith.

However! Aside from great stats, Tony couldn’t get over the hump of winning playoff games or even get to the NFC Championship Game! Sadly, for Tony it started in 2006 when he fumbled a snap for a field goal in Seattle, and from that moment forward, the Cowboys were always TOMORROWS champions—just like they were in the 60’s.

Sadly, the Cowboys Fans, those same fans that clamored, bemoaned, criticized, and basically threw Romo under the bus after every loss, are now saying “THIS IS THE END OF AN ERA”… “TONY WAS THE GREATEST THAT THIS TEAM HAD”… REALLY???? You think its an END of an ERA????

No its not, what it is, is the fact that a player, a quarterback, is going to test the waters of Free Agency and see if there is a team out there that will hire him for a year or two, and see what the different scenery will do for him.

There are rumors that the Denver Broncos are in the market for him, as well as the Houston Texans.

Denver hired an aging quarterback once before and he led them to a Super Bowl victory in the 50th Super Bowl game! THOUGH even with that, Peyton Manning retired, and left the game on his terms.

I don’t see Tony Romo rising to that height and bringing the Lombardi Trophy to the Mile High City, though the other teams that could be in the running for his services aside from Texans and the Broncos, would be the Chicago Bears, or even the LA Rams, though that is a pretty good stretch.

The Bears, lets face it, they have no idea what to do with Jay Cutler, and for that matter, since Romo is from that part of the Country (born on the west coast in San Diego) and then attended Eastern Illinois University, it would be sort of a home coming for him to play in the city of the big shoulders.

Wouldn’t it be something, just fantasizing here, that Romo goes to the Bears and they run the table in the NFC North division, then they win the NFC Championship in 2017, AND THEN!!! They win Super Bowl 52! Bringing home once again the Championship on the heels of the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in 108 years.

Just sayin! I mean, the Bears haven’t won the Super Bowl in 32 years, and the last time they were in the Super Bowl they lost to the Indianapolis Colts, led by—say it with me—Peyton Manning!

It was rainy yucky day in Miami for that Super Bowl. That much I can remember!

So Tony Romo, will get a few million dollars for this move that the Cowboys made, and in return, the Cowboys get absolutely ZILCH!

Nothing, NADA! They get no draft pick, they get no player in return, they get no cash consideration, nothing!

So unlike the Hershel Walker trade with the Vikings, the Cowboys  are just on the sidelines to watch what will happen when they play against whatever team he plays for and comes up on the schedule against the Cowboys.

Personally speaking, wish him luck, and hope wherever he winds up the team will win for him, and for what its worth the future of the Cowboys will be that of Dak Prescott and Zeke Elliott, and a defense that will have to find their own identity.

Just a thought! 

1 comment:

  1. Good story.... I for one liked Romo.. Thought he was a class act. We wish him luck, where ever he ends up, whether it be on the field or in the broadcasting booth or maybe the
