Sunday, April 2, 2023

ITS BASEBALL TIME IN TEXAS! Season number 51 for the Texas Rangers!


2023 is the 51st season in Arlington, Texas for the Texas Rangers Baseball Club, and with THIS season, there is a feel in the air, something that has not been felt since, back in 2010, and Ron Washington at the helm (manager) of the Rangers.

However this is 13 years later—a new manager in Bruce Bochy—formally of the San Francisco Giants with three World Series Rings on his hand—more so than that—the Rangers went out and got some arms—former New York Met ace Jacob deGrom and they resigned Martin Perez—along with others—their infield pretty much the same as a year ago with Jung at 3rd—the middle infield remains the same from a year ago with Semien and Seager with Lowe at first.

The outfield has some question marks but that will shake out through out the season.

But the feeling is of optimism or at least it felt that way through the first inning when deGrom threw 10 pitches and struck out two batters and the roof caved in in the 3rd when he gave up four runs in two innings. The Mets fans must be watching this game and thinking “WE TOLD YOU SO!” but truth is—1 game—first game does a season not make!

For what it is worth—the Rangers have had the Phillies number over the last couple of years as they have gone 9-0 including sweeping them last year in four games. Though so far the game is still young and deGrom has finished his outing going 3 and 2/3 with 6 hits 5 runs all earned and  7 strike outs!  Ya hate to see the 5 runs in just four innings of play—but it will see the toughness of the Rangers in the later innings to see what they can do.

The Rangers explode in the 4th inning and put a 9 spot on the board to take the lead—and hold to it through out the game, even though Jacob deGrom left the game early—and even said that he thought he was throwing well, just that the Phillies were hitting the ball even better and that’s what let them score the four spot on the team, and eventually a five run lead.

Bruce Bochy in his first game as a Ranger Manager and back in the dug out after two years of “retirement” from the Giants, said that it was an atmosphere that he truly appreciated—and that the Fans were the best part of the game, 38, 300 plus in the house for opening game, and the first three dates will be a tail tell sign of things to come for this 2023 edition of the Texas Rangers.

The POMP and the CIRCUMSTANCE to open the game, with the TEXAS RANGERS Law Enforcement coming out—the Honor Guard and the Horse Patrol, the singing of the State Song, “Texas Our Texas” then our National Anthem, the ROOF open—then closed (first time in the history of Globe Life Field that they closed the roof DURING a game) the Texas Rangers Hall of Famers that came out onto the field, Tom Grieve, Pudge, Nolan Ryan, Michael Young, Ian Kinsler, and then you have Governor Abbott and former President George W. Bush to be on the field for the ceremonial first pitch.

Before the game, you’re on the field, talking to both Teams, players and managers and finding out the fun stuff, like the new guys just moving into the area, asking about shopping and eating places, and giving them your opinions and just getting to know the guys as people and not just athletes.

They will wipe the lines clean from the field and repaint them for the next game on Saturday and then on Sunday evening.

Just a thought!

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