Friday, January 20, 2012


Ah yes, it has happened—a once “BIG” Named athlete has chosen a path that HE hopes will propel him back to the Big Stage, known as the NFL!

Terrell Owens, who once played for various teams in the NFL, including the San Francisco 49ers, The Philadelphia Eagles, the Dallas Cowboys, the New England Patriots and the Cincinnati Bengals, now the Pro Bowl wide receiver will bring his talents to the Indoor Football League, and the Allen Wranglers!

This has made national news, and has been highlighted on ESPN.

T.O. will showcase himself in a league that is not the ARENA LEAGUE, which used to have teams in Dallas, in fact there were a few, the Dallas Texans, the Dallas Desperados, and the Dallas Vigilantes , the Wranglers started a year ago, and won their season, but the fact is that this is a team that has had two owners, one left half way through the season—the other took it over and, obviously has deep pockets.

But what does T.O. bring to the table other than his name? Grant you he will put buts in the seats, that’s not an issue… the ability to bring his game to the smaller field is something different.

Its not that difficult, in this league, you’re playing only on 50 yards, the routes are shorter, the hitting is just as bad, and lets not forget, that T.O. just came off ACL surgery last season.

Terrell tried to get on with any NFL team that would have him, but that didn’t seem to work out, no one hired him, and there were a lot of teams that could have used a veteran wide-out in the league last season with injuries and such. However, with this game, this type of game that is, how will he hold up?

Now the story is , that he will play only HOME dates, and that his partnership is a cash influx into the team. The arena that they play in, the Allen Event Center has a low ceiling, and that end zones don’t have the traditional nets that we are used to seeing in the AFL (Arena League), so in part, this game does have some challenges to it.

The PLUSES! ALLEN WILL PROFIT from this move, that will have people coming to the games, and buying the merchandise and that in turn will have people milling around the shopping center that the arena is in, and that means that the shops and restaurants will benefit from it as well.

I’m just going to have to wait and see how this all works out for the Wranglers and for the fans—Will they keep coming back to see the team play, last year, if this is an indication, they didn’t sell the place out, they couldn’t even fill half the arena for their games.  With a capacity of 6000, they might have had less than a 1000 per game.  That’s not that great!

Once again, you put a premier name on the field like Owens, and that might all change, we will have to wait and see.

For the most part, its still a game of touchdowns and first downs, and we will see how the Wranglers product on the field will shake out once he comes on board….. Just wondering if Owens, being a part owner will also want to be the coach too…. Just thinking out loud there!

Well then again—ITS JUST A THOUGHT!

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