Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watch What YOU Tweet! It Might Cost You!

Social Media, a term that has been in our vernacular for only the last few years, has caused a furor the last few weeks!

Actor Rob Lowe reports the retirement of Indiana Colts Quarterback Peyton Manning-(bogus), Mark Walberg, stated that if he had been on American Flight 11 that crashed into the World Trade Center, he would have done things differently-- he was taken to task by some of the families of those that were lost in that horrible day-- and now a teenager in New Jersey, who is considered to be a major recruit for College Football, has been expelled for his high school, and has lost some offers from schools including his beloved Michigan, because of what he tweeted on his account, that some say was sexually graphic and racially charged.

Yuri Wright, a 17 year old senior at an all boys preparatory school, made comments on his Twitter Account and it got to the point where the school had to take action, and in doing so, they chose to expel Wright from school.  He now has to find a new school to graduate from, and his football career at a Division I School might be completely in jeopardy. 

Social Media has its positives, but it can be a detractor as well. Future Employers look at your Facebook page, your Linked-In page, your Myspace, your Google Plus, a website, if you have one, you get the idea.

There are stories that have been released over the last few years of people losing their jobs because of their Facebook "Status" updates, or photos, there was one professional sport cheerleader that lost her job because of photos that were posted on her Facebook page, there was a Police officer (female) that also lost her job because of the same issue of posting photos that were deemed "inappropriate", and not representing the department.

We have to be so careful these days with what we say, how we say it and more so, where we say it!

How many of us have discovered old friends, classmates, family members, because of social media outlets? Countless-- and continuing the old adage that the World Is Getting Smaller.

When you consider, a 17 year old's lack of common sense, has now seen what was a future, could be a bit troubling.

So what are we to do, how do we keep ourselves safe from ourselves? Self control, well that's a start, but the truth is, our involvement in using those outlets to communicate with others, and say things that might be considered risque, or inappropriate, can come back and bite you, remember even if you think you are talking to just YOUR friends, others might be able to see it... and this could include YOUR future with jobs or schools!

Just a thought!

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