Monday, December 17, 2012

Josh Brent on the Sidelines-- Deal or No Deal!

C'Mon MAN! That's the New Battle Cry for sports fans-- thank you ESPN!

Josh Brent-- a couple of weeks ago, was involved in a horrible traffic accident in Irving, Texas that caused his car to roll over and his passenger-- a teammate, and a close, dear friend Jerry Brown-- died that night!
On Sunday afternoon at Cowboys Stadium, Josh Brent was on the Cowboys Sideline, wearing a Cowboys Hoodie and Cowboys ball cap, along with the jersey (#53) of Brown draped on his shoulder during a moment of silence and the opening ceremonies to the game.

Fans-- television analyst, and writers have said that this was the WRONG message being sent to fans and young fans at that!


Alright-- background time! Ms. Brown-- Jerry's mom, informed anyone within ear shot of her comments (including the media) that she forgave Josh for what happened-- and that she loved him as if Brent was her own son! That takes a lot of strength to say those words-- and more so-- she is grieving as much as Brent is about the loss of his friend!

HOWEVER! The Dallas Cowboys football club is a business, no different than IBM, or Pepsico Foods International and so on! With in the confines of that business structure there are people in place that will help those who have gone through a major tragedy or other catastrophe in their lives.

I don't remember a place of business (unless they are shallow or have policies in place that state that an indiscretion would cause termination) The NFL doesn't have a policy of that! Mr. Brent is not going to be fired from his position until after a trial is had, and the evidence is presented. WE all know that he was legally drunk, the blood alcohol level proved that, but he made his bond, the Cowboys opened up their facility to him for treatment, they have kept him on the team, he has not been removed from the payroll, and until that day comes, he is a part of the organization!

IF we are going to talk about how Brent shouldn't have been allowed on the sidelines of the game, then we need to re-evaluate situations! Michael Vick has a conviction and prison term against him-- yet he is allowed to come back to the league and play for NFL money, PacMan Jones, has been arrested numerous times for all sorts of charges, assault, carrying a weapon in places you're not suppose to, and yet he is on an NFL team, Plaxico Burress, not only went into a place where weapons are forbidden, but he let loose one round-- albeit it went into this leg-- yet when he was done with his jail time-- he was permitted back on a team.

So Brent had an accident, that was caused by him drinking, and yet we find it more forgiving AFTER someone has been arrested and charged, and sentenced, then it is when a person who is hurting, and mourning, and needs his "family".. his team around him more than anything else!

This is not about "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" B.S.! This is about someone who has the support of a business that is looking out for his best interest and as Jason Garrett and Jerry Jones both have said, Josh Brent is a part of the Dallas Cowboys Football Team, and they will look after him the best that they can, and offer him any and all help to keep him focused and hopefully not see him turn into depression, which could lead to other problems.

Give Mr. Brent the benefit of the doubt! HE is hurting, this is no different than any one of us who made a major mistake and has to live with it! The consequences that they will deal with, will be on their terms and they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives!

Being on the sidelines showed solidarity of the Team to a Teammate! Unless you wear a helmet, shoulder pads, and jersey, and step out onto that field and play between the lines-- we have no idea what they are thinking, and we have no idea why they think it! But whatever the reason is, they think it is right, and therefore we should do our best to accept those reasons!

Just a thought!

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