Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tragedy in Kansas City!

There are those who are saying that the NFL is handling this all wrong, that after Jevon Belcher shot his girlfriend and then drove to Arrowhead Stadium-- spoke with both the Head Coach and the General Manager of the football team, turned stepped away for about three feet-- then held the gun to his own head and fired!

We all know that is a permanent solution to a temporary problem-- shooting and killing someone then yourself! Something could have been done, one would think, to have stayed this sort of behavior off... but alas... two people are dead, two families are destroyed, a three month child is now an orphan-- and the entire Kansas City Chief Football team is devastated! And YET! The NFL as well as the Chiefs, said that they would play on Sunday afternoon against the Carolina Panthers at 12noon CST.

I am having a hard time with this one! I can't imagine a family, and lets face it, that's what a team is, they are family, they live and work together more than they sometimes spend with their own real families, and with that in mind, you have to think that these men are not mentally ready to step out on the gridiron and take on an opponent and give it their 100%. Their thoughts are going to be with their "Brother" who took his own life on the very stadium parking lot, that they will go and do battle in with a foe that is being told to travel and be ready to play this hurting team.

Back in 1963, Pete Rozelle the Commissioner of the NFL, on the Sunday after President Kennedy was shot, and in fact the very day that Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby in the Police Department basement, held games, and the country was in mourning! Not a good idea, and not well received by a lot of fans!

In fact-- the Dallas Cowboys were traveling to Cleveland to take on the Browns that day, and the Browns Public Address Announcer, was informed that he was to only refer to the Dallas team as the COWBOYS, and not Dallas.

Rozelle would later say, that it was one of his biggest regrets, and that hindsight, she should have postponed those games for a later time!

The Kansas City Chiefs should had done the same thing, and get ready for this game on another night-- Monday, or Thursday, enough time to put the images away-- and mourn the lost of their teammate!
On this occasion, I say that the NFL overstepped its boundaries, and allowed the DOLLAR to control the actions of a team, and a city that is hurting!

Just a thought! 

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