Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saying Thank You

Over time, there are people that come into our lives, and leave an impression upon us.

They could be celebrities that we have met, sports figures, politicians, or just friends, no matter, they all leave some sort of an impression upon us.

I have been fortunate to work in an industry that allows me to meet some of the Greats, the Not So Greats, and the ones that should've been or could've been the greats!

In this particular time, there are two people, to which I wish to talk about!

ONE is a good friend of mine, he has come to the rescue of me recently, and helped me out when I was a little bit down, with out work, and without means to fix a problem that, for the most part, is my lively hood!

There are those who say that they believe in the Christian way of life, and me being Jewish, and studied Comparison Religion while in College, I get it sometimes, and understand it, but to see it in action, to watch someone who has that ability to do just that for someone, and do it more often for those who need it It's more than just paying it forward, it's living the creed of what this means.

Cedric Bailey, there is a person who through his radio broadcast, and his ministry, its the reason why we call him the Deacon! Because he has lived it, breathed it, acts upon it! That is my definition of a Christian.

I truly appreciate his friendship, his leadership, and the opportunity to join his broadcast to do a weekly talk show on his air. IT allows us to work together, and join forces to create something special with YOU the audience!

The second person I wish to take a bit of time and say THANK YOU to, is Channel 8's very own George Riba!

Here's a guy after 37 years at one station and over 40 years in this business starting out at Channel 11, is saying good bye to the business, and retiring, and closing this chapter of his life!

I cannot say enough good things about George, we have crossed paths on many occasions, be it Ranger games, Cowboys games, Mavericks, Stars, Texas Motor Speedway, Cotton Bowl, Armed Forces Bowl, Byron Nelson, Colonial-- and the list can go on forever from here.

Every time we see each other, its been a handshake and good to see you again-- now a few years ago, we discovered that we were a little closer than just casual friends,

It seems that George married an old high school classmate of mine, and we had (have) mutual friends over the years. We discovered this during a Byron Nelson Tournament one spring, and as George and I were talking about these mutual friends, he turns to me and says " well if you know all these people, then you know my wife"... to which I said I might, he then told me about Maggie, and yes I knew here quite well.

Maggie walks into the Media Room at the Nelson and George introduces us, but she had know idea that Dave Michaels was the same David that she went to school with! Lo and behold, it was a great surprise to the both of us, and George and I relationship is more than just a hand shake from time to time, its now a hug and "how you're doing?" and..."Be sure to say HI to Maggie for me"... type of thing.

ON February 20th, 2015, George Riba closed out his day with a farewell to his co-workers, and his friends, but not totally-- I am sure that George will do something, be it through voice work, or other means, but he is not gone-- not off the sports scene totally at least.

I am sure I will see him around-- and I am sure that we will still give one another the "man hug" and I will continue to tell him to be sure to tell Maggie HI for me... but the one thing I am certain we will both miss, is his interviews with former Skyline Basketball Coach and long time friend (to both of us) J.D. Mayo... he is class, and so is George!

To both George Riba and Cedric Bailey, from me, thank you for your time, for your ability to bring stories to us, and for helping others! YOU are both blessings!

Its Just a Thought!

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