Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Off Season Blues (Football Style)

Well its that time again.

Yes we call it the off season. Football is over-- the Super Bowl is in the history books, the players that were long done before the February 1st spectacular ever took place, are not making head lines!

These are young men, who, once the season comes to an end, have time on their hands, money in their pockets, and trouble on their mind. Well maybe they didn't THINK that trouble was on their mind, but low and behold, guess it followed THEM none the less!

Lets start with Joseph Randle,the running back from the Dallas Cowboys. He is in Wichita Kansas, and its there that young Randle, is arrested and booked for possession of-- wait for it-- YES, WEED! For heaven's sake! OH and he's not the only one... there's another Defensive Tackle from the Green Bay Packers-- Letroy Guion, is busted not with just marijuana- but weapons AND $190,000.00 DOLLARS IN CASH on him.

Oh the off season is now upon us, and we read where Johnny Manziel has been placed in rehab, that he has done this on this own, to better himself. He was making headlines before January was out about partying and being drunk, and out of hand, and such.

We have seen this time and time again, we can roll the names off like a roll call, and yes it will include some famous players from "America's Team" back in the 90's.

We remember how Michael Irvin's name got tossed around for being around drugs and women, we remember, how Mark Tuinei was found dead in his car after he overdosed on Black Tar Heroin, we remember how Terrell Owens was in trouble because he couldn't fulfill court orders, or Dez Bryant being hounded for not paying jewelry bills that he owed.

What about players from other NFL Clubs that find themselves in trouble, Pack Man Jones to be the first, or Plaxico Burriss of the Giants (firing a gun into his own leg at a club) or Tank Johnson getting into trouble, these are just a thumbnail sketch of players that have too much time on their hands and too much money in their pockets, and not enough sense to know how to handle it.

I have heard the excuses before, but the truth is, EACH NFL team should have someone in charge of the room (the locker room that is) and put into place a class, a seminar, a scheme, of some kind to keep these guys out of the headlines of their local newspapers or TV Stations and especially off of ESPN and FOX1.

Talk about losing some leverage when it comes to negotiations with your contracts when the time comes, talk about losing a position with the team when the legal matters get cleared up,

Hell even Nate Newton the great Dallas Cowboys Offensive Lineman was busted with a VAN full of marijuana and was sentenced to prison in Texas, REALLY! Now I will admit, he learned a lesson well, and he served his time and is making up for lost time to make things right, but that's NATE, he works his butt off to do that.

Not everyone is  a Nate Newton, not everyone can come clean-- Ricky Williams, Heisman Trophy Winner in '98, played in the NFL, but was busted on numerous occasions for pot, is trying to make it back with the Longhorn Network, but that jury is still out!

Its not just in NFL circles, its happens in other sports, maybe not as frequently, maybe not the "Super Stars" or the the ones that have a TEAM with that spot light on them, but it happens.

The league, the teams, the players associations, have to have a way to govern this, otherwise we will continue to read in the headlines about players and how they are in trouble once the off season starts.

Its just February folks, training camp is not until July, its a long off season!

Just a thought

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