Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Cowboy in Trouble


I don't mean to rail on a team that I have followed for many years-- but doesn't seem a bit ironic that since 1989--- the year that Jerry Jones purchased the Dallas Cowboys-- there have been more news coming from the players than any other time?

Oh wait-- before that time-- we did hear about Lance Rentzel-- Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson and Duane Thomas getting into little fracas-- even Harvey Martin was in a bit of trouble as well...  Bob Hayes was arrested on cocane possession,ok-- lets compare that list to the list of players since Jones took over shall we?

Hmmm-- where to begin-- alright there was Michael Irvin-- pretty obvious one with the drug charges and all-- we lost Mark Tuinei to drug over dose in the spring of 1999-- Pac-Man Jones was arrested at a downtown hotel for pushing one of HIS security people into a mirror and breaking it-- Dwayne Goodrich was arrested for vehicular manslaughter and convicted... Dexter Clinkscales was arrested for sexual relations with an 18 year old boy-- Nate Newton was arrested for transporting marijuana--and recently-- Bryan McCann was arrested for public intoxication and Rookie Wide Receiver Desmond "Dez" Bryant was cited at North Park Mall... FOR of all things-- Showing his underwear in public (his pants-- along with his friends) were hanging below the belt line! North Park has asked Bryant not to return to the mall for 90 days-- this is after two other incidents in the plush mall--

So the question begs to be asked-- WHY do professional athletes get into trouble??? ANSWER: They don't have anything better to do!

Let's face it-- during the off season there is nothing to do, because you made all this money during the season-- it's been sitting in the bank-- and now you have the time to spend it-- or better yet-- show it off.
Players of professional sports-- get a paycheck ONLY during the season in which the play-- for Baseball Players that's like six to seven months worth of pay.... same of Hockey and Basketball players-- long seasons mean that you are either traveling or practicing or playing! take your pick! For Football players-- they play once a week-- they work the rest of the week with practice and such... then it's game time! The NFL wants to expand the season by two games to make it 18 regular season games- now that means that the first game would be played around the Labor Day weekend and we will still end in the first week of February with the Super Bowl- Somewhere with playoffs we would be at 24 weeks of football that's almost six months!  See where this is going?

Keep em busy-- that way they can't get into trouble... believe me, they will find ways of getting into trouble given an opportunity to do so.

The latest bouts of indiscretion is more about not using their heads--  I knew Dez Bryant when he played in Lufkin, Texas at Lufkin High School for John Outlaw, he was a nice kid and all-- always with a "yes Sir-- No Sir" type of attitude-- never seemed to be the type to get into trouble-- though it happened to him at Oklahoma State, when he lied about spending time with Dieon Sanders-- another Lufkin Ex had a similar situation when he turned pro. Reggie McNeal played College football at Texas A&M, led the team to a Cotton Bowl birth-- then was picked up by the Cincinnati Bengals-- only to come back to Houston , Texas and get arrested-- the question now is-- WHERE is Reggie? Oh Wait! Canada-- playing for the Toronto Argonauts! That's special!

When are professional athletes going to learn that this is not an entitlement for them to go about and use their "celebrity" to avoid being like the rest of us. I don't think you see too many young men going into North Park Mall or the Galleria Mall with their pants hanging down low enough to see their underwear.  Its not sexy by the way guys-- BELIEVE ME-- ask any woman-- they don't think its cute they don't think you are the type of person to bring home to meet the parents!

SET the example-- change the atmosphere-- YOU Have the power! Young kids look up to you, they still have their heroes-- they want to wear your jersey-- they want to call your name out when they see you in public-- they want that little piece of yourself that you can give with a smile-- that's a simple signature!
Ya know-- if the athletes would flood the market with their signatures-- believe me-- you won't see them on EBay much-- because lets face it-- its not rare!

Bryan McCann-- the young man from SMU-- all I can do is shake my head and hope that this all works out for you-- for Dez Bryant-- I have heard and seen first hand-- your kindness to children and to fans--but is this really how you wish to be remembered? REALLY?

its just a thought! 

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