Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bad Grammar????

Alright-- here we go-- lets start in on a really hot topic-- lets put all of our energy to really correct an oversight of grammar used today by a generation who uses text messages and short hand to do so--

Let us-- take a moment-- and critique a High School Basketball Coach's deal that she made with her basketball team if they win state.  Lets take for a moment that we are going to really place all our attention as adults and tell the Coach--even after her team won the championship-- and brought home the hardware-- then was awarded the Keys to the City of Irving... and tell her that her wager with her kids is WRONG!

WAIT! I don't think she did anything wrong here-- she made a wager with her team-- she and her assistant coaches agreed that if they were to win State-- that she would adorn her arm with the the words "We in Dat Thing"... which is slang-- which is part of a rap song that apparently the Irving MacArthur High School Lady Cardinals rallied around-- and perhaps Suzie Oeleschlegel didn't see anything wrong with-- even though she is an educator.

Oh there are Parents-- and other teachers that are besides themselves that an educator would adorn herself with words that are grammatically in correct! PLEASE! Give it up-- thats like the entire state of Louisiana going bezerk when WHO DAT was being used as a rally cry for the Saints on their Super Bowl quest and later Victory!

WE (knowledgeable people) know the difference between good and bad grammar and structure. WE know that it is not good English... however we are also aware that today's society-- nothing is as it should be. REALLY!

Rap music uses all sorts of slang that those who follow that culture use every day, and for the rest of us, I believe that there is enough music with bad use of sentence structure to make any English teacher cringe! I know that there is lots of music and poetry that has to use a certain phrasing or word use to make it work for either rhythm or for flow of the poem.  However we consider this to be artistic license to do so!

But for a High School Basketball Coach-- and a woman at that-- HOW DARE HER!? --- REALLY???? you are going to waist your time and energy on this? Good gracious people, grow up, and get a life and leave some stuff alone-- the fact that it even made the news is pretty scary to me... let the Coach pay her debt to her team and hopes that other teams that follow these girls have a battle cry to rally around and embrace as well!

For what it's worth-- I say-- GO FOR IT COACH! The only thing is-- YOU have to wear it and live with it and it will be a part of you forever, and if thats alright with you-- then by all means do it!

As for your team-- its also great to talk about how these young women who are Seniors have a GPA thats above average and are making their way to Colleges and University to either continue to play Basketball or at least continue their education! GOOD ON THEM!  For the rest of you-- may I suggest you concentrate on something a bit more important, like how to keep those educators working and not on the un-employment line!

Just a thought!

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