Friday, March 11, 2011

Chuck Greenberg!

Alright, you all knew it wasn't going to take very long before I had to chime in on this story!

Chuck Greenberg, the man along with former Texas Ranger and Hall of Fame Pitcher Nolan Ryan, pretty much saved the franchise last summer, when they went to auction and out bid Mark Cuban for the Texas Rangers for a mere 593 Million Dollars.

Now 7 months later, Chuck Greenberg is stepping down as the CEO of the Rangers, and after being pretty much the face of the Rangers, in putting pricing back to where it should be, and bring the fans back in a positive way, even after the debacle that Tom Hicks left the team in! IT showed fans that he was a FANS-FAN!

However, during the off season, when the sweepstakes for Cliff Lee was underway, it is said that he over stepped his bounds by visiting the All Star Pitcher numerous times and low balling his bid to sign him, against the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Philly's... among other teams that were trying to get his services... then all of a sudden we read where he signs with Philly! Then we hear about Michael Young when they sign Beltre to play third base.  Michael Young-- the man who has been with this team for 10 years, was considered to be the franchise and clubhouse leader, is now being asked to move from another position, and play either DH full time or first base on a platoon basis, or in one case, asked to be traded, but somewhere that got mis-communicated and we hear now that there were illegal talks with Young and Greenberg and other teams.

Now another rumor has surfaced that Greenberg, got cross ways with Nolan Ryan, and that is what has led to having Greenberg resign!

Baseball finally got its DREAM TEAM ownership with Ryan in the catbird seat as the President of the Rangers, and Greenberg as the CEO, now thats all going to change. Will the Rangers be in any financial trouble from all of this? I doubt it, I am certain that there is enough money from the investors that will cover whatever Greenberg is getting as a buy out and his resignation.

All in all, this is been a wild roller coaster ride for the Rangers, but hopefully the dust will settle down and the full story will be revealed, and when it does we will see what really happened on the inside of the Rangers front office.

ITs just a thought!

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