Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Question For YOU!

Here's a question for you.... "Why is it, that we care more about those who make more money than the average person?" Why is it, that we want to know what is going on in the lives of those we have no 
opportunity to be like, since we lack the talent or the skill to do as they do?"

Alright-- so the answer is obvious! Because WE CAN!

It's true, we can deluge ourselves into the lives of celebrity or athlete, because we can, with Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Google, Bing, and every other instant information connection out there, not too mention our IPads, IPhones, IPods, and I and I and I-- sounds like a broken CD!

We as humans, have always been curious about others, hence the phrase, "The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side"... we don't wish to take care of our own little world, we want to know what is going on with OTHERS!

The recent calamity of Charlie Sheen is almost comical, and I know he is an actor that acts in a Situation Comedy... but seriously, this guy has just gotten fired for pretty much mouthing off about one of the writers and producers of the show he is on-- and makes millions for doing!

Lets not forget about the times that Mr. Sheen has been in and out of Re-Hab-- it runs in the family-- Martin Sheen, his father, was also a drug user, and then had become sober and clean and resurrected his career in the TV Series WEST WING! Fabulous job, and more so, if we could get Aaron Sorkin to write the script of a President, that person could win re-election in a heart beat and more so-- win an EMMY as well!

Obviously my tongue is firmly placed in my cheek about that, but truthfully, why do we care about Celebrity? Because we can!

Athletes are no different, we worry about the City of Dallas' Mayor Pro-Tem awarding a Key to the City to Philadelphia Eagle Quarterback Michael Vick when the Super Bowl was in North Texas. WHY? WHY do you care? because we can!  As it has been said before, the Key to any City doesn't hold the prestige that it once did many years ago, now its just another piece of Chatchka that sits on a shelf or inside a desk drawer forgotten and never looked at again! SO why do we care? Because we can!

Feel good stories-- such as The Texas Rangers Centerfielder Josh Hamilton, now that's a story we can embrace, because of what he went through and came out to become- He is a hero to many and to others, he is something that they wish to aspire to!

However, I know of a young woman, who, after graduating high school, took a path that drove her to use drugs and manufacture drugs and did this for a number of years! She the cheerleader that the Captain of the Football team wanted to be seen with, she was beautiful, vibrant, and delightful to be around, then a path that took her down a road of Meth, and the dark side of her life. She turned it around, she became clean, she turned her life over to a high being, and she tells her story so others won't follow the path! Yet we don't hear about her story, she is not a celebrity, nor is she an athlete, she is just a woman, a daughter, a sister, a mother and a wife, and yet we don't hear her story! Yet WE CAN! and we SHOULD!

We hear about  the deaths of our service men and women overseas, yet we don't "celebrate" what their job was, which is to protect us, our lifestyle, we, at times, even ignore the idea of them being buried with their coffin being draped by the American Flag! WHY? Because we can!

Lets stop worrying about the celebrities, lets concentrate on the stories of our lives, and maybe, just maybe these over paid imbeciles will make an impact on our lives in a positive way. THEN we can all say "WINNING!"

Just a thought!

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