Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Its funny-- but that was the name of the High School Newspaper-- REFLECTIONS-- and now that same high school is celebrating 40 years today!

Yes this day- March 1st 1971 the doors flung open to a new concept in education-- today its as common place as the ABC's...  MAGNET SCHOOL!

Hell the very term was made up-- and though there were detractors from the idea-- it forged through... and Dallas had the very first of its kind-- 80 acres of land-- it had and still has the only air hanger on campus with Cessna's and Bell Jet Rangers-- for students to learn air line mechanics-- horticulture-- child and youth development-- science-- electronics-- auto repair-- plastics-- food services-- and the list goes on and on-- over 27 different clusters-- and those were three hours of time set aside for a student to learn their vocation-- and there were those of us who chose to go to this school full time and leave our home school behind.

The diversity of students that walked the halls of Skyline High School was incredible-- you chose to go to that school-- so you  can imagine the type of students that were coming into the building-- we had one graduate who went on to be a real live rocket scientist.. others were well known athletes-- some actors and actresses and performers-- Some became lawyers and doctors-- and others chose a craft that would take them down other paths.

All in all-- Skyline Center and Skyline High School was not so much in the early days of winning football games or other athletic trophies-- it was more about academics and taking what you learned to another level...

Skyline was born on this date as a building, but the truth is-- it was born in 1968-- it just took it 3 years to get it right--

I am proud to say I am a graduate of this High School-- because of what it gave to myself and others like me-- it was unique-- it was special-- and for the rest of the country and in some parts of the world-- it gave a new way to teach!

Happy Anniversary Skyline! Live on Raiders!

Just a thought!

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